Project Lockdown
A phased approach to securing your database infrastructure
Phase 1
Duration: One Day
It’s Phase 1 of your security and compliance project. Let’s see what you can do within 24 hours to lock-down your infrastructure.
Updated August 2010
Download: Phase 1 Checklist (PDF)
Covered in this Installment:
- 1.1 Remove Default Passwords
- 1.2 Remove Case-sensitive Passwords
- 1.3 Configure Oracle Binary Permissions
- 1.4 Secure Other Executables
- 1.5 Change DBSNMP Password
- 1.6 Limit SYSDBA Login
- 1.7 Create a Listener Password
- 1.8 Protect the Listener
- 1.9 Trim Sweeping Privileges
- 1.10 Move Audit Trail to a Different Tablespace
1.1 Remove Default Passwords
During Oracle software installation and database creation, it is common for accounts to be created and then forgotten. These accounts, which often carry default passwords (such as “tiger” for SCOTT), are favored entry points for intruders. You would be shocked to hear how many production database installations I have audited that use change_on_install or oracle as the password for SYS. Your first line of action should be to immediately identify and remove these default passwords.
In Oracle Database 11g, this activity has become extremely easy, almost to the point of being trivial. The database has a special view, dba_users_with_defpwd, that lists the usernames with the default passwords. Here is an example usage:
SQL> select * from dba_users_with_defpwd
2 /
… output truncated …
The output clearly shows the usernames that have the default password. You can join this view with DBA_USERS to check on the status of the users:
1 select d.username, account_status
2 from dba_users_with_defpwd d, dba_users u
3* where u.username = d.username
SQL> /
------------------------------ --------------------------------
… output truncated …
In versions prior to Oracle Database 11g, how do you identify the accounts with default passwords? One option is to try to log into the account using the default password—but this is definitely a cumbersome approach, not to mention a time-consuming one.
Fortunately, there is a more elegant option. Take a look at the password column in the view DBA_USERS:
SQL> select username, password
2 from dba_users
3 where username = ’SCOTT’;
------------------------------ ------------------
SCOTT F894844C34402B67
The password is hashed and thus undecipherable, but we know that SCOTT’s password is tiger. Therefore, the hash value for tiger when userid is SCOTT is F894844C34402B67. Now, if SCOTT’s password changes, this hash value also changes. You can then confirm in the view DBA_USERS to see if SCOTT’s password matches this hash value, which will verify the password as tiger. Note, however, that the hash value is not a hash value of the password itself; if another user has the password tiger, that hash value will be different.
SQL> create user scott2 identified by tiger;
User created.
SQL> select username, password
2 from dba_users
3 where username = ’SCOTT2’;
------------------------------ --------------------
Note the different hash value (C44C11D4C34DB67D), even though the password is identical.
So how can you use this information? It’s simple. If you create the default users with default passwords, you will come to know the hash values of those passwords. Then you can build a table of such accounts and the hashed values of the default passwords and compare them against the password hashes stored in the data dictionary.
In January 2006, Oracle made a downloadable utility available for identifying default passwords and their users. This utility, available via a patch 4926128 is available on OracleMetaLink as described in the document ID 361482.1. As of this writing, the utility checks a handful of default accounts in a manner similar to that described above; by the time you read this, however, its functionality may well have expanded.
Furthermore, security expert Pete Finnigan has done an excellent job of collecting all such default accounts created during various Oracle and third-party installations, which he has exposed for public use in his Website, (Standard disclaimer: Oracle does not validate the content of third-party Websites.) Rather than reinvent the wheel, we will use Finnigan’s work and thank him profusely. I have changed his approach a little bit, however.
First, create the table to store the default accounts and default password:
CREATE TABLE osp_accounts
product VARCHAR2(30),
security_level NUMBER(1),
username VARCHAR2(30),
password VARCHAR2(30),
hash_value VARCHAR2(30),
commentary VARCHAR2(200)
Then you can load the table using data collected by Finnigan. (Download the script at[After the table is loaded, you are ready to search for default passwords. I use a very simple SQL statement to find out the users:
col password format a20
col account_status format a20
col username format a15
select o.username, o.password, d.account_status
from dba_users d, osp_accounts o
where o.hash_value = d.password
--------------- -------------------- --------------------
Here you can see some of the most vulnerable of situations, especially the last line, where the username is SYS and the password is oracle (as is that of SYSTEM)! It may not be change_on_install, but it’s just as predictable.
The vulnerability varies across versions. In Oracle Database 10g and later, the database installation has a prompt that asks what the password should be, instead of assuming it to be change_on_install or something else. Because the user is forced to make a decision, it is likely that the password will be a nondefault one. However, if the user chooses something as predictable as oracle, then the point is moot. (Perhaps oracle was chosen when the database was being built prior to production as a convenience for the DBAs. After it went to production, the password stuck around.)
In versions prior to Oracle Database 10g, the password is not prompted to be entered, and hence it is likely that the default password—for example, change_on_install for SYS and manager for SYSTEM—is active. This tool will help you identify such cases.
Also note that the userid SCOTT—the demo account for learning SQL techniques—may be fine for a development database but not for a production one. It is a potential back-door entry for intruders, and you should immediately drop it.
Accounts like CTXSYS, DMSYS, and OLAPSYS are required for Oracle tools. The best strategy is to drop these users if you are not using these options. If you are not sure you are using them, or you just want to reserve the opportunity, you can keep these accounts but lock them from connections. To lock an account and expire the password, you would issue this SQL
alter user dmsys account lock expire password;
which will set the account status to EXPIRED & LOCKED. When the user tries to log in, the following error will be raised:
ORA-28000: the account is locked
Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE.
Change the password for all accounts that you cannot lock. One such account is DBNSMP, but we’ll discuss that later.
The locking of unused accounts shouldn’t cause any problems.
Action Plan
Identify the unused accounts. Lock them and expire their passwords.
For the used accounts, change the password if the default password is being used.
1.2 Use Case-Sensitive Passwords
Passwords in Oracle Database have historically been case insensitive; in other words, the passwords abc123 and “Abc123 were deemed identical. This led to consternation in some circles. Many regulations and security mandates require that passwords be of mixed case (have at least one uppercase letter).
Since Oracle Database 11g Release 1, case-sensitive passwords are available. So, abc123 and Abc123 are not deemed the same. If the user sets the password as Abc123, then abc123 will not work. Here is a demonstration:
SQL> alter user sh identified by Abc123;
User altered.
Here’s what happens if you try to connect with abc123:
SQL> conn sh/abc123
ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE.
The password is not accepted. Now let’s try the actual mixed-case password:
SQL> conn sh/Abc123
A database parameter sec_case_sensitive_logon controls the behavior. If set to TRUE, the Oracle database differentiates between abc123 and Abc123. Setting it to FALSE ignores the case sensitivity, reverting to the pre–Oracle Database 11g approach. Here is a demonstration of setting it to FALSE:
SQL> alter system set sec_case_sensitive_logon = false;
System altered.
SQL> conn sh/abc123
SQL> conn sh/Abc123
Note how the database didn’t differentiate between the passwords.
Should you set the value to TRUE or FALSE? That’s an important question. In Oracle 11g Release 1, if you used DBCA to create the database, you were asked whether you wanted to keep the Oracle Database 10g–style case-insensitive password or apply the new Oracle Database 11g–style security. If you accepted the default—in other words, Oracle Database 11g–style—the parameter was set to TRUE and the passwords were checked for case. In Oracle 11g Release 2, DBCA doesn’t ask; it sets the values by default.
Suppose the password of a user called ARUP is dream1ng. Most likely, the user enters the password in SQL*Plus, SQL Developer, and so on as dream1ng. However, some tools may convert it to all uppercase making the password DREAM1NG. When this password is passed to the database, authentication will be refused. This will occur right after the database upgrade, so most likely the reason will be attributed to a bug in Oracle Database 11g or something similarly esoteric.
Often users make mistakes too. Because in pre–Oracle Database 11g they were not required to differentiate between case-sensitive passwords, they may continue to enter their passwords in whatever case they feel comfortable with, failing authentication.
Either way, it might not be possible to change the code quickly to pass the password as is or change user behavior. Therefore you should take a phased approach to changing this particular behavior; otherwise, it may cause application outages.
If users connect to an Oracle Database 11g database via db link, they must now use the password in right case otherwise, it will be rejected.
Action Plan
If the database is not subject to a condition that requires case-sensitive passwords, you may not care about it. Still, it is always a good idea to make passwords case sensitive so the database will be compliant with any regulations yet to come. Besides, it makes passwords more secure.
If this is a brand-new database, you should turn on the case-sensitive feature (leave the default). Make sure the users know about this feature so that they will be careful in entering the password in right case.
If you are upgrading the database from Oracle Database 10g, you should be little bit more flexible. Follow the steps shown below:
Make sure the audit_trail initialization parameter is set to db before the database is restarted:
audit_trail = db
This turns on the audit trail. (Oracle Database 11g already has this on by default.)
Make sure you have session auditing turned on. Issue the following command:
SQL> audit session;
It enables auditing by session. (Oracle Database 11g already has this on by default; so if you didn’t disable it explicitly, it’s on.)
Instead of turning the case-sensitive feature on immediately, leave it off by setting the parameter explicitly in the parameter file after you upgrade the database:
sec_case_sensitive_logon = false
This reinstates the Oracle Database 10g behavior; in other words, it lets the database ignore the case of passwords.
Make your users aware of the case-sensitive feature and encourage them to enter passwords in the proper case. Note: Due to the parameter being false, they can still enter passwords in any case and be authenticated.
Make the applications pass passwords in the proper case. The passwords will still be authenticated if they don’t, but at least applications will be ready.
During a change window, issue this statement:
SQL> alter system sec_case_sensitive_logon = true;
This enables case sensitivity in passwords. Immediately afterward, check for invalid login attempts in the audit trail:
select username, userhost, terminal
from dba_audit_trail
where returncode = 1017;
If any user failed authentication, they would have received an error message “ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied” and this fact would have been recorded in the audit trail with the returncode value as 1017. The above query would have shown those invalid login attempts.
If you see any record, from the host and terminal, you can determine the source of these logins, allowing you to take corrective action.
1.3 Configure Oracle Binary Permissions
Oracle Database uses several binary files. The most important is the executable oracle in UNIX and Linux flavors and oracle.exe in Windows.
Note the permission on these files. For instance, in UNIX, you may see something like this.
# cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
# ls -l oracle
-rwsr-s--x 1 oracle oinstall 69344968 Jun 10 14:05 oracle
The permissions (the same in all relevant Oracle versions) are the default. Let’s see what they mean. (If you are familiar with the UNIX permissions, you can skip this subsection and proceed to the subsection “Two-Task Architecture.”)
The first position indicates the type of the file. In UNIX, everything—regular files, directories, and devices—is considered a file. This is a true file, hence the first position shows “-.” Had it been a directory, this position would have shown “d”; in the case of a character special device, it would have shown “c,” and so on.
The second position onward shows the permissions given on the file. The permissions are shown in blocks of three, indicating the status for the Read, Write, and Execute respectively. The first three positions show the permissions for the owner, the next three show the permissions given to the group the file belongs to, and the last three show the permissions provided to all others.
Position | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
Value | - | r | w | s | r | - | s | - | - | x |
| Owner | Group | Other |
In each permission set, the permissions are shown as either a value or “-.” If a “-” appears in the place, it indicates that the permission is not granted on that privilege. For instance, in the above case, note the sixth position, indicating that the Write permission for the Group is set to “-,” which indicates that the group “dba” (the group the file belongs to) cannot write to this file. If the permission is granted, then the value is set to the corresponding letter. Again, in the above example, the Read permission for the Group (denoted by the fifth position) shows “r,” indicating that the group “dba” can read this file.
Note the last three positions, which indicate the permissions for the Others (not the owner, oracle, or the users belonging to the group dba). From the permissions, you can see that Others can simply execute this file but not read it or write to it.
This explains “r,” “w,” and “x”—for Read, Write and Execute, respectively—but what about the character “s” in the place where there should have been an “x”? This is an interesting twist to the Execute privileges. The presence of this “s” on the permission above indicates that this program is setuid enabled. When the program runs, regardless of who runs it, it will run as the user who owns it, i.e. oracleThis is one way in which the program can be owned by Oracle software but run by anyone who would connect to it. Thus, the program can operate under the privileges of oracle and not the user who runs it, which makes it possible to open database files and so on.
Two-Task Architecture. Recall how Oracle Database processes operate, by decoupling the user process from the server process. If you don’t remember this completely, I highly recommend rereading the first few chapters of the Oracle Database 10g Concepts Manual. Below is a highly distilled version of the interaction, which merely lays the foundation for understanding the permissions; it’s not a substitute for reviewing the contents of the manual.
When a user connects to an Oracle database—say, with SQL*Plus—Oracle creates a new process to service this user’s program. This new process is called the Oracle server process, which differs from the user’s process (sqlplus, sqlplus.exe, TOAD.exe, or whatever it else it may be). This server process interacts with the memory structures such as the System Global Area (SGA) and reads from the datafiles; if the data is not found in the buffer cache in the SGA, and so on. Under no circumstances is the user’s process (sqlplus) allowed to directly interact with the Oracle database datafiles. Because there are two processes (the user process and the server process) working in tandem to get the work done, this is sometimes known as two-task architecture. If a user process does something potentially disruptive, such as violating the memory management in the host machine, the Oracle database itself is not affected and the damage is limited to the user’s process.
(Note that the above applies to Oracle connections in a dedicated server environment. In a multithreaded server environment, this model is a little different in the sense that a single server process can service more than one user process. It’s still two-task, but instead of a 1:1 relation between the server and user processes, it’s 1:many.)
The server processes are run under the user who owns the Oracle software. Here’s an example. Suppose the user logs into the database using SQL*Plus:
$ sqlplus arup/arup
After this, if you search for this process:
$ ps -aef|grep sqlplus
it shows this:
oracle 6339 6185 0 13 :06 pts/0 00:00:00 sqlplus
This, of course, assumes that no other SQL*Plus sessions have been running on the server.
Note the process id (6339). Now if you search that process ID:
$ ps -aef|grep 6339
You will get two processes:
oracle 6339 6185 0 13 :06 pts/0 00:00:00 sqlplus
oracle 6340 6339 0 13 :06 ? 00:00:00 oracleDBA102
The first one you’ve seen before (the process for the SQL*Plus session). The second one—process ID 6340—is the server process that Oracle creates for the user. Note the Parent Process ID of the process; it’s 6339, which is the process ID of the SQL*Plus session.
The process name is oracleDBA102 (DESCRIPTION=(LOCAL=YES) (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=beq))), which tells you several things. First, the presence of the clause LOCAL=YES indicates that this process started due to another process that is running locally, on the same server as the database itself. It also shows PROTOCOL=beq, which means that the connection was made through a bequeath connection.
You can also find the information about the server process from the dynamic views:
select spid
from v$session s, v$process p
where s.sid = (select sid from v$mystat where rownum <2)
and p.addr = s.paddr;
The value returned by the above query is the process ID of the server process. This is the only way to get the process ID if the client process is on a different server, such as someone running SQL*Plus on a laptop connecting to the database.
Now, assume that the user connects through a slightly modified manner. Instead of connecting directly on the server, she uses the TNS string. Assume that your TNS string looks like this (on the server oradba):
DBA102 =
(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = oradba)(PORT = 1521))
Now the user connects (on the same server, oradba) as follows:
sqlplus arup/arup@dba102
Check the process ID from the dynamic views:
SQL> select spid
2 from v$session s, v$process p
3 where s.sid = (select sid from v$mystat where rownum <2)
4 and p.addr = s.paddr
5 /
The process ID is 6428. Search for this on the server:
$ ps -aef|grep sqlplus | grep -v grep
oracle 6426 6185 0 13 :20 pts/0 00:00:00 sqlplus
Now when you search for the server process on the database server:
$ ps -aef|grep 6426 | grep -v grep
oracle 6426 6185 0 13 :20 pts/0 00:00:00 sqlplus
you don’t see the server process. There is no child process of the user process 6426. But you know from the dynamic performance views that the server process is 6428, so what is the parent process of that?
$ ps -aef|grep 6428 | grep -v grep
oracle 6428 1 0 13:20 ? 00:00:00 oracleDBA102 (LOCAL=NO)
The parent process is 1. But why isn’t it 6426?
To understand the answer, you have to understand how different Oracle server processes are created. In the first case, when the user did not use a TNS connect string, the connection was routed directly to the database without going to the listener first. The database created a user process and then handed the control of the process to the process owner, a process known as bequeathing—hence the term bequeath process, which showed up in the process name.
In the second case, when the user was still on the same server but connected through the listener, the listener created the process for the user—which is known as forking. Similarly, if the user process were running on a different machine (such as a laptop), the connection would have to be made to the listener and the listener would have created the process. The process was created by a remote server, hence the process name contains the clause LOCAL=NO. Even if the SQL*Plus session was running on the same server, the fact that it was a non-bequeath connection made it a non-LOCAL one.
(Note: Depending on the OS, you may not see the parent ID of the server process in the same way that you see the SQL*Plus session in bequeath connections. In some cases, even though the connection is bequeath, the parent ID will show as 1. Therefore, don’t rely on the parent ID to determine what type of server process it is; use the process name instead.)
Now that you understand the two-task model, let’s see if you get the salient point in this discussion. The database creates and runs the server process, not the user who started the client process such as SQL*Plus. The server process uses the executable oracle or oracle.exe, so only the Oracle software owner, named orasoft (named so as to avoid confusion with the term “oracle,” which is the name of the executable), should have privileges to execute them—no one else. So why do you need permissions for the others?
The short answer is, you don’t. You can remove the unnecessary permissions by issuing this command:
$ chmod 4700 $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle
After executing the command, the permissions will look like this:
-rws------ 1 orasoft oinstall 248754168 Oct 8 07:11 oracle
Now we can move on to strategy—via the SUID bit. In this case the SUID bit is set to ON (indicated by rws permissions for the owner).
Because you don’t need anyone other than the Oracle software owner (orasoft, in this case) to run the Oracle executable, you should remove the SUID bit from the executable and make it accessible by only the owner—no one else:
$ chmod 0700 $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oracle
The permissions now look like this:
-rwx------ 1 orasoft oinstall 248754168 Oct 8 07:11 oracle
This is a major change, and it’s important that you understand its impact. When a user (not the Oracle software owner) on the server tries a local connection, the executable oracle is run on his behalf as if the user orasoft is running it. Because the server process will open the datafiles (owned by orasoft), either it must run as orasoft or the user must have permissions to open the datafiles.
For example, suppose the UNIX user ananda logs in to the same server the database is on and connects locally:
$ sqlplus arup/arup
The user will immediately get an error:
ORA-12546: TNS:permission denied
Enter user-name:
The reason why is very simple: you removed the SUID permission on the file oracle. When the user executes a local connection, he essentially tries to run the executable oracle, but because the SUID is not set, it’s not tried as user orasoft but rather as ananda. As user ananda does not have permission to run this file, it will not be executed—hence the ORA-12546 error.
So, how can ananda connect to the database? There are two options. One is to make all the user processes run on a different server than the database server itself—thus there are no bequeath connections to the database, only non-LOCAL ones. Because the non-LOCAL connections go through the listener process and the listener spawns a server process for them, the server process is owned by orasoft (the Oracle software owner) and not by the user who is running the client process. There is no permission to issue.
Alternatively, if you must run some user processes on the database server itself, you can connect through the listener with
$ sqlplus arup/arup@dba102
which has the same effect as a user connecting from outside the server. Now only the user who owns the Oracle software (in this case, orasoft) can connect to the database through a bequeath connection.
DBAs with individual OS IDs will not be able to shut down or start up the database using the command connect / as sysdba, even if they belong to group dba. They can do so with
$ sqlplus /nolog
SQL> connect sys/Password_of_SYS@dba102 as sysdba
Yes, this approach makes use of the SYS password, but that’s a better practice compared to / as sysdba. A much better practice yet is to create Oracle userids for individual DBAs:
connect ANANDA/Password_of_ANANDA@dba102 as sysdba
A favorite hacker trick is to get into the server using any account and then try to force into the database. (A typical “loose door” is the user “nobody.”) Even if the hacker does not get into the database, he can create a denial-of-service attack by buffer overflow of the oracle executable. If the ability to execute the file is removed, then the effectiveness of the attack is severely limited. At the same time, as you saw, you have not removed any functionality from legitimate users. Most users connect to the database using the listener anyway, and they will not be affected much.
Action Plan
See if any other user on the system makes a bequeath connection. You can accomplish this by
• Simply asking
• Searching for processes on the server to see if you find something as obvious as SQL*Plus
• Checking the column MACHINE of V$SESSION:
select program
from v$session
where machine = ’’;
If something comes up, you can identify the exact program running by turning on auditing (which you will learn about in the subsequent phases of this article series)[ and capturing any program coming from the server.
IF no programs connect from the server, THEN | |
| Change the permissions of the oracle executable |
ELSIF some program connects from the server | |
| Change the connection from UserID/Password to UserID/Password@Connect_String |
END IF | |
| Change it to use DBAUser/Password@Connect_String |
1.4 Secure Other Executables
Take a look at the other executables in the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory; some may look familiar, such as sqlplus or lsnrctl (the utility to start the listener); others may not.
Some of these files—such as tnslsnr, the utility that the listener process runs, or dbsnmp, which was used in Oracle Intelligent Agent—are not directly touched by the end user. To properly secure them, you must understand what they do and take appropriate action.
Recall that if the SUID bit is set for a file, then regardless of who runs the file it runs under the privileges of the owner, not the executor. You also learned that setting the SUID can be dangerous and should be discouraged.
There are several other files that have the SUID set to on. Let’s find them.
$ find . -type f ( -perm -2000 -o -perm -4000 ) -exec ls -l {} ;
In Oracle Database 10g Release 1 and later, the above should return only the following executables (Oracle Database 11g should return only a subset of this):
-rwsr-s--x 1 orasoft dba 93300507 Jul 22 11:20 ./bin/oracleO
-r-sr-s--- 1 root dba 0 Jul 1 23:15 ./bin/oradism
-rwsr-s--x 1 orasoft dba 94492 Jul 22 11:22 ./bin/emtgtctl2
-rwsr-s--- 1 root dba 18944 Jul 22 11:22 ./bin/nmb
-rwsr-s--- 1 root dba 20110 Jul 22 11:22 ./bin/nmo
-r-sr-sr-x 1 nobody nobody 58302 Jul 22 11:23 ./bin/extjob
Let’s see what these files are:
Program | Description |
./bin/oracle | This file is a copy of the executable oracle. When you recompile the oracle executable using the relink command, the old copy is saved as oracleO. This is a potential security hazard; most DBAs ignore it, and it can be an avenue for hackers. Therefore you should take action to remove the permissions. The best option is to have no permissions for it to anyone other than orasoft: $ chmod 600 oracleO Now, if you check the permissions: $ ls -l oracleO |
./bin/oradism | Used for Dynamic Intimate Shared Memory. May be in use on your platform. May not be present in all cases. If present, leave as is. |
./bin/emtgtctl2 | Used for Oracle Enterprise Manager agent. There is no need for it to be set with SUID. The justification is the same as the oracle executable. Remove the permissions: $ chmod 0700 emtgtctl2 |
./bin/nmb | Used for Oracle 10g Grid Control agent to collect statistics on the target server. Leave as is. |
./bin/nmo | Used for Oracle 10g Grid Control agent to collect statistics on the target server. Leave as is. |
./bin/extjob | This is the executable for the EXTJOB (External Jobs, which allow you to execute OS-based programs from within Oracle Enterprise Manager). This is something you should be careful about. Do you use external jobs a lot? If not, then you should not even have this executable. In such a case, you can leave it in the directory but change the permissions and the ownership. The owner can be the Oracle software owner (orasoft, in our case), and the permissions should be rwx------: $ chown orasoft:oinstall extjob There may be another program present, extjobO, which was a previous compilation of the same program. Change the permissions of that too: $ chown orasoft:oinstall extjobO |
In Oracle9i Database Release 2, you will find a different file, ./bin/dbsnmp, which is the Oracle Intelligent Agent executable file. The permissions are set as such:
-rwsr-s--- 1 root dba 2986836 Jan 26 2005 dbsnmp
The problem with this file is that it needs root privileges to work properly, hence the SUID bit must be set to on. However, because this file is owned by root, hackers typically exploit it to gain access as root. The best advice is to eliminate it, or make it owned by the Oracle software owner and set the permissions to 700. You will lose some functionality, but it’s worth it to eliminate the risk.
The other executable to consider is tnslsnr, which is the Oracle Net Listener. There are two executables:
• tnslsnr—the actual listener executable
• lsnrctl—the utility that is used to manage the listener, such as starting, stopping, and so on
If you look at the permissions:
$ ls -l *lsnr*
-rwxr-x--x 1 orasoft oinstall 214720 Oct 25 01:23 lsnrctl
-rwxr-xr-x 1 orasoft oinstall 214720 Oct 1 18:50 lsnrctl0
-rwxr-x--x 1 orasoft oinstall 1118816 Oct 25 01:23 tnslsnr
-rwxr-xr-x 1 orasoft oinstall 1118816 Oct 1 18:50 tnslsnr0
the files have execute privileges for all. Like the executable oracleO, when a new file tnslsnr is created by relinking the Oracle software, the existing file tnslsnr is renamed to tnslsnr0. This is done because if the process needs to be rolled back, the old executable can be copied over the new one. Because it’s the copy of the old executable, the file tnslsnr0 may contain the same functionality as the original tnslsnr. The same goes for lsnrctl0.
Now that you understand the purpose of each executable, let’s see how you can secure your database infrastructure. Most of the strategy has been discussed in the above section on background information. So, in essence, your strategic moves are all these actions
Remove all permissions to others from the files that are not needed—for example, lsnrctl0.
Restrict permissions for executables to Oracle software only.
Remove the SUID bit if the Oracle software owner starts the processes.
So, you want to change the permissions of the listener-related files as follows:
$ chmod 700 lsnrctl tnslsnr lsnrctl0 tnslsnr0
$ chmod 600 lsnrctl0 tnslsnr0
Verify the result:
$ ls -l *lsnr*
-rwx------ 1 orasoft oinstall 214720 Oct 25 01:23 lsnrctl
-rw------- 1 orasoft oinstall 214720 Oct 1 18:50 lsnrctl0
-rwx------ 1 orasoft oinstall 1118816 Oct 25 01:23 tnslsnr
-rw------- 1 orasoft oinstall 1118816 Oct 1 18:50 tnslsnr0
There are a few implications in this case:
Changing the oracleO executable has no impact on the operation of the database. If you ever face an issue that points to a corrupt oracle executable, your best bet is to rename the oracleO file to “oracle.” If you do so, make sure you reset to permissions to 700. The same goes for lsnrctl0 and tnslsnr0 executables.
Changing the emtgtctl2 permissions will have no impact if you use the Oracle software owner userid as the Oracle Enterprise Manager OS credentials. If you use a different userid (not orasoft, for example), the SUID must be reset to the old value and the permissions must be set as they were.
The executable dbnsmp is used by Oracle Enterprise Manager Intelligent Agent, but only up until Oracle9i Database Release 2. Again, if you use the Oracle software owner as the OS credentials, there is no impact from changing the permissions. If you use a different userid, you must reset the permissions to the previous value.
Action Plan
Change permissions of oracleO, tnslsnr0, and lsnrctl0 to 0600.
Change permissions for tnslsnr and lsnrctl to 0700.
Do you use external jobs in Oracle Enterprise Manager?
IF no THEN change the permissions of extjob to 0000
ELSEChange the permissions of extjob to 0700 and change the owner and group to orasoft and oinstall (or whatever the user and group of the Oracle software owner are).
IF you are on Oracle9i Database THEN | |
| Are you using Oracle Intelligent Agent? |
IF no THEN | |
| Change ownership of dbsnmp to orasoft |
ELSE | |
| No change needed |
Note: If you apply a patch or upgrade the database, the permissions will be reset, so you need to re-examine them after the upgrade.
1.5 Change DBSNMP Password
As you may know, Oracle Intelligent Agent communicates with Oracle Enterprise Manager to pass on information about components such as the database, the listener, and the server itself. To get data about the database, it needs to connect to the database using some userid. By default, the userid used is DBSNMP.
When the database is created, the password of DBSNMP] is also set to dbsnmp. This user has some powerful privileges, such as UNLIMITED TABLESPACE, SELECT ANY DICTIONARY (which allows the user to select from dynamic performance views and data dictionary views), and ANALYZE ANY DICTIONARY (which allows analyze of the system objects). Many intruders use this userid and password for back-door entry into the database. Needless to say, this is a huge security hole.
You have to change the password of this user to something other than dbsnmp. However, you can’t just change the password at the database level, because that password is also stored in the agent configuration files. You need to update the configuration files to use the new password as well. Here’s the procedure for Oracle Database 10g:
First change the password of the user DBSNMP to something else—for example, TopSecret:
SQL> alter user dbsnmp identified by topsecret;
Go to the directory where the Oracle Agent Home is installed (not ORACLE_HOME)—for example, /u01/app/oracle/10.1/gridc.
Go to directory /sysman/emd , where is the name of the host or server. For instance, if the name of the server is prolin1, then the directory should be prolin1/sysman/emd.
Here you will find a file named targets.xml. Copy it under a new name (for example, targets.xml.old).
Open the file targets.xml and search for the word “dbsnmp”; the contents should be similar to:
Note this line (in bold type, above):
This is where you will set the value of the password. Replace the above with
Note that you changed the value of ENCRYPTED to FALSE.
If this is a RAC database, this line will occur twice in the file. Make sure you change both occurrences. Search the file for the word “password” to locate these two instances
Now stop the agent by issuing this command
/u01/app/oracle/10.1/gridc/bin/emctl stop agent
Restart the agent:
/u01/app/oracle/10.1/gridc/bin/emctl stop agent
When you restart the agent, the cleartext password in the configuration file is encrypted. If you check the above line in the targets.xml file again, you will see something similar to the following:
Note how the cleartext value has been converted to an encrypted value.
Now the agent is configured with the new password.
If you use the standalone Database Console instead of Oracle 10g Grid Control, then the procedure is similar—except that in Step 2, you would go to ORACLE_HOME, not where the Agent Home is located.
There are no user implications here.
Action Plan
1. Change the password of the user DBSNMP.
2. Update the agent files to reflect the new password.
1.6 Limit SYSDBA Login
You might have noticed that any *nix user who is the member of the group dba can log in as the SYSDBA user by issuing this command:
sqlplus / as sysdba
This is usually taken as a matter of convenience, because you don’t need to remember or enter the password of the user SYS. However, this also creates a vulnerability: Any user who can log in as a dba group member can log into the database as SYS. The fortified password of SYS is not of much use then. If you have a strong SYS account, you should perhaps protect that as well as the dba group users so that the password of SYS is necessary to log in as SYS. This approach does not eliminate the risk of infiltration but does reduce it considerably.
This process is controlled by the parameter SQLNET.AUTHENTICATION_SERVICES in the file SQLNET.ORA. If this parameter is set to NONE, then the auto login of the SYSDBA role is disabled. To disable it, place the following line in the SQLNET.ORA file located in the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory.
From that point on, if a *nix user belonging to the group dba wants to connect using this familiar login:
$ sqlplus / as sysdba
they will get this:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
To connect, you must provide the SYS password:
$ sqlplus /nolog
SQL> connect sys/oracle as sysdba
This protects against someone who still does not know the SYS password from gaining access to the dba accounts.
As shown above, the biggest implication is the use of SYS passwords. You may need to make some changes to the scripts that connect to SYS.
If you ever lose the SYS password, don’t worry. You can comment the line in the file SQLNET.ORA and then connect the old-fashioned way: / as sysdba.
Action Plan
IF you use SYS connections in scripts THEN | |
| Change / as sysdba to sys/ as sysdba |
ELSE | |
| No change needed |
1.7 Create a Listener Password
One of the most popular hacker tricks is to inject a large amount of text into the listener, thereby causing it to abort. The database could still be up, but since the listener is down, no new connections can be established—which in effect is a denial-of-service attack.
To do that, the hacker might attempt to change the attributes of the listener. A popular tactic here is to list the various services handled by the listener via the services command. Note how much information is displayed—possibly enough for the hacker to gain illegitimate access:
LSNRCTL> set displaymode verbose
LSNRCTL> services
Services Summary...
Service "PROPRD" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "PROPRD1", status READY, has 1 handler(s) for this
"DEDICATED" established:0 refused:0 state:ready
ducts/10.1/db1/bin/racgmain,_USR_ORA_CONNECT_STR=/ as
application for
Another hacker trick is to shut down the listener. New connections will be refused, again effectively creating a denial-of-service attack.
In addition, the listener can be remotely administered. Using this technique, the hacker can remotely stop a listener by attacking another vulnerable machine.
How do you protect yourself from these threats?
The best option is to remove all permissions from the executable files tnslsnr and lsnrctl except those for the owner. (This method has been described in the previous section.) This way no one except the Oracle software owner can start or stop the listener. The executables look like this:
-rwx------ 1 orasoft oinstall 214720 Oct 25 01:23 lsnrctl
-rwx------ 1 orasoft oinstall 1118816 Oct 25 01:23 tnslsnr
In some cases, you may want to grant the authority to start and stop the listener. In such a case, you have to turn on the permissions:
$ chmod 0711 lsnrctl
However, in such a case, you should prevent unauthorized use by enforcing a password. When you set a password, all commands—except some benign ones such as HELP—are disabled.
Setting the password works the same way in all versions of Oracle Database, but the enforcement mechanism varies:
In Oracle9i Database Release 2 and earlier, all users need a password.
In Oracle Database 10g Release 1 and later, the OS user who owns the database software does not need a password. All others need a password.
Here’s how to set the password:
$ lsnrctl
LSNRCTL> change_password
Old password: Not displayed
New password: Not displayed
Reenter new password: Not displayed
Password changed for LISTENER
The command completed successfully
If you are setting the password for the first time, you can press ENTER when asked for the “Old Password.” After making the change, save it in the parameter file:
LSNRCTL> save_config
This command encrypts the password and places it in the listener parameter file. You can examine it later:
#----ADDED BY TNSLSNR 24-OCT-2005 17:02:28---
When you decide to use a command, you have to supply the right password (in Oracle Database 10g and later, the OS user who owns the software does not need a password):
LSNRCTL> services
Connecting to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=)(PORT=1521))
TNS-01169: The listener has not recognized the password
To pass the correct password, issue these commands:,
LSNRCTL> set password mypassword
The command completed successfully
LSNRCTL> status
Connecting to (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST=)(PORT=1521))
If you pass the wrong password, you will receive this error:
TNS-01169: The listener has not recognized the password.
If you do not pass the password and try executing a powerful command, you will receive this error:
TNS-01190: The user is not authorized to execute the requested listener command
To confirm that the password is in effect, view the setting in the STATUS display of the listener. To do so, issue this command:
$ lsnrctl status
The output varies between versions. For Oracle9i Database, here is a partial output:
Version TNSLSNR for Solaris: Version - Production
Start Date 25-OCT-2005 10:26:47
Uptime 0 days 13 hr. 8 min. 36 sec
Trace Level off
Security ON
Note the last line (Security ON), which indicates that the password is set.
In Oracle Database 10g, this process is a little different. In that release, the listener is set to be executable by the Oracle software owner only without a password. If you have set a password, then other users can execute it after supplying the password. Here is the status display:
Version TNSLSNR for HPUX: Version - Production
Start Date 16-OCT-2005 05:58:35
Uptime 9 days 17 hr. 44 min. 41 sec
Trace Level off
Security ON: Local OS Authentication
Note the last parameter, ON: Local OS Authentication which indicates that the password has not been set. When the password is set, the display will show that line as
Security ON: Password or Local OS Authentication
Note the additional clause above—Password— which indicates that a password has been set. In Oracle Database 11g Release 2, the password in listener.ora has been deprecated, so you shouldn’t set a password at all. In other words, you should not issue any listener commands using any userid other than the Oracle Database software (or the Oracle Grid Infrastructure software) owner.
In Oracle Database 10g and later, there are no implications. OS authentication is used to authenticate the user, and there is no need to provide a password to start or stop the listener. In Oracle9i Database and earlier, you have to provide a password, and hence the script requires a password.
Action Plan
IF Oracle Database 10g or later THEN | |
| Remove the permissions from all except the owner |
ELSE | |
| Remove the permissions from all except the owner |
1.8 Protect the Listener
Creating a buffer overflow—crashing the listener by sending a large string to be executed—is a common intruder tactic. Another popular one is to see the various components using SET DISPLAYMODE VERBOSE from the lsnrctl utility. In this case, the hacker may manipulate the settings by running lsnrctl on a vulnerable machine to administer the listener on the target server. Here’s an example:
LSNRCTL> set trc_level support
Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=prolin1)(PORT=1521)))
LISTENER parameter "trc_level" set to support
The command completed successfully
LSNRCTL> set trc_directory /tmp
Connecting to (DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=prolin1)(PORT=1521)))
LISTENER parameter "trc_directory" set to /tmp
The command completed successfully
Because the trace level is SUPPORT, the listener generates a lot of information that you may not want the hacker to know. Also, because the trace files are written to the directory /tmp, he can easily see them as well. All this can be learned without even being on the server.
To protect the listener, the best option is to set a password. In addition, you can employ another approach: restricting the ability to set various parameters of the listener using the lsnrctl utility. In that case, the only way to change parameters is to set them in the listener configuration file and then reload it. To set these restrictions, you can place the following line in the listener.ora file:
and then restart the listener. Now, you can no longer use the SET command in the lsnrctl prompt to change a value. For example:
LSNRCTL> set trc_directory /hacker_dir
TNS-12508: TNS:listener could not resolve the COMMAND given
Note the TNS-12508 error. From now on, to change a value of a parameter you must do so in listener.ora and then use the reload command:
LSNRCTL> reload
This is true for all Oracle versions discussed in this series.
Even if you use a password to protect the listener, you should still use this technique to further restrict the hacker’s ability to administer the listener. This is particularly true in Oracle Database 10g, where a listener password is not required for the Oracle software owner.
The implications are negligible. Few users edit parameters online anyway; rather, they edit listener.ora and then reload the listener. Thus, this change will not affect them at all.
Note, however, that it will no longer be possible to use remote listener control to administer a listener on a different server. Instead, you have to log onto the server to make the change in listener.ora and then reload the listener, which is best practice anyway.
Action Plan
Place the parameter ADMIN_RESTRICTIONS_LISTENER = ON in the file listener.ora.
Reload the listener by issuing lsnrctl reload.
1.9 Trim Sweeping Privileges
A typical user needs privileges that are important to perform his or her job—nothing more nor less. As this policy may prove unrealistic, however, you may need to adopt a middle-of-the-road approach: removing the most-powerful privileges the users do not need.
One example of a powerful privilege is CREATE ANY TABLE, which lets the user create a table in any schema, not just its own. Rarely do users need this privilege; you can safely revoke it. On the other hand, a privilege like QUERY REWRITE, which allows the users sessions to rewrite a query to take advantage of a function-based index or materialized view, is relatively innocuous.
First, identify all the privileges you consider innocuous (CREATE TYPE, CREATE SESSION, and so on). Here I have included UNLIMITED TABLESPACE as a nonsweeping privilege, but you may disagree:
Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000167 EndHTML:0000012073 StartFragment:0000000461 EndFragment:0000012057
set pages 50000
break on privilege skip 1
select privilege, grantee, admin_option
from dba_sys_privs
where privilege not in
/* list any other privilege here you don’t find "sweeping"
and grantee not in
/* Place all the user names you want to exclude */
order by privilege, grantee
Here is part of a sample output:
set pages 50000
break on privilege skip 1
select privilege, grantee, admin_option
from dba_sys_privs
where privilege not in
/* list any other privilege here you don’t find "sweeping"
and grantee not in
/* Place all the user names you want to exclude */
order by privilege, grantee
Here is part of a sample output:
--------------------------- ------------------------------ ---
_ and so on _
Note some of the key lines of the output. Some sweeping privileges—DROP ANY TABLE, for instance—probably shouldn’t have been granted to anyone. In this case, let’s see which users have this privilege.
IMP_FULL_DATABASE is a role used to do a full database import, usually granted to the DBA or to any other user needed in the import. The privilege is probably necessary.
QCO refers to Quest Central for Oracle, a popular tool for managing databases. The privilege is probably necessary; but you have to be careful to make sure no one except the DBAs have the access to the QCO userid..
The users CNSMP and ATHOTANG, unless they are DBAs, do not appear to need any sweeping privileges. The privilege should be revoked.
This is one action you can’t execute immediately. Before revoking any privilege from any user, you have to carefully analyze its impact.
If you have doubts, the best course of action is to interview the people behind the userids. For example, perhaps ATHOTANG does not really need to drop tables but was assumed to do so. (Don’t be surprised—such assumptions are common.)
Action Plan
This task requires some planning, so reserve any action for the next phase. Until then, collect the required information.
1.10 Move Audit Trails to a Different Tablespace
When the audit trail is set to database and for fine-grained auditing trails, the trail records are stored in regular database tables—AUD$ and FGA_LOG$ under the SYS schema. They are located in the SYSTEM and SYSAUX tablespaces, respectively. Because records in these tables simply keep growing as activity increases, the space consumed by these special tablespaces also increases, which may not be desirable. If the system tablespace runs out of space, the database will abort.
Therefore, you should move these tables into a special tablespace—say, AUDIT_TS—as shown below:
create tablespace aud_ts
datafile ’+DATA’
size 10M
segment space management auto
In Oracle Database 11g Release 2, moving these tables to a different tablespace is supported. Prior to this release, the move is officially not supported. This section pertains to Oracle Database 11g Release 2 only.
Move the AUD$ table to that tablespace:
audit_trail_type => dbms_audit_mgmt.audit_trail_aud_std,
audit_trail_location_value => ’AUD_TS’);
If you want to move the FGA_LOG$ table as well, you can do so by executing the above PL/SQL block but replacing the parameter as shown below:
audit_trail_type => dbms_audit_mgmt.audit_trail_fga_std
Once executed, the tables will be moved to the AUD_TS tablespace.
The advantages are obvious—the audit trails are the only items that keep growing in the database based on usage, and hence moving it out of the SYSTEM and SYSAUX tablespaces is a desirable move.
Important: If the tablespace is offline, you will get an error for auditable actions. Here is an example where a user is trying to connect (an event that is audited) but fails because the audit table is not available:
SQL> conn arup/arup
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-00376: file 7 cannot be read at this time
ORA-01110: data file 7: ’+DATA/d112d1/datafile/aud_ts.293.698028255’
ORA-02002: error while writing to audit trail
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-00376: file 7 cannot be read at this time
ORA-01110: data file 7: ’+DATA/d112d1/datafile/aud_ts.293.698028255’
Warning: You are no longer connected to ORACLE.
To resolve it, you should bring the tablespace online (after fixing the underlying issue, of course). But what if the underlying issue is not resolvable immediately? Then you have no choice but to remove the audit settings. For instance, you can turn off auditing on session
SQL> noaudit session;
Noaudit succeeded.
Now if you try connecting, you will be successful:
SQL> conn arup/arup
IF Oracle Database is earlier than 11g Release 2 THEN | |
| Don’t do anything |
ELSE | |
| Create a new tablespace |
Project LockdownA phased approach to securing your database infrastructureby Arup Nanda Published May 2006 - see Table of Contents & Security Primer |
Phase 2Duration: One WeekIt's Phase 2 of your security and compliance project. Let's see what you can do within 5 business days to lock down your infrastructure. Even if it only lasted 24 hours, you accomplished much in Phase 1 of Project Lockdown. Now it's time for the second phase, which will take about a week. In this phase, you will follow up on work performed in the earlier phase and make new headway as well. As before, you will take some simple yet highly effective actions for securing the database. Why does this phase last a week, you may ask?
Covered in This Installment: Background 1 declare If the file myfile.txt is not present, this code segment will create it. However, for it to work, beforehand you must declare /tmp as a directory that can be opened by the utl_file package via the following initialization parameter: utl_file_dir = '/tmp' and then restart the database. The presence of this parameter indicates that the users can create a file in the directory in /tmp, or overwrite any file there, as long as it's owned by the Oracle software owner. So what's wrong with that? Nothing, except that most systems will not have this parameter set to /tmp. Rather, to allow developers or users to manipulate files without knowing in advance where the files will be created, the setting will most likely be "*", as in the following: utl_file_dir = '*' This means the user can open a file wherever the Oracle software owner has permission to read or write files—even the Oracle data files! Theoretically, then, an adversary can write a program that intentionally corrupts a data file. If this file happens to be for the SYSTEM tablespace, the entire database is gone. (Of course, you can restore it from backup, but the damage is already done.) Even worse, the adversary could damage an archived log file, which would prevent recovery beyond that archived log. The adversary could even remove the file, using the utl_file.fremove supplied package. Therefore, setting utl_file_dir to "*" is simply a bad idea. Strategy 1 declare The directory object TMP_DIR must have been created earlier by: create directory TMP_DIR as '/tmp'; This command, create directory, is given only once. Subsequently, anyone who has access to the directory can create or read files from here. You could grant this directory object in a fine-grained manner. For instance, suppose you have a directory object on the directory where the alert log is located and you have created an application that reads and manipulates the alert log. You can grant read access to the directory to SCOTT but write access to ananda, who is a DBA. So, remove the utl_file_dir from the database parameter and replace the code with directory objects. As a corollary, you should also remove the create directory system privilege from PUBLIC and any other user. ImplicationsThe implication depends on how much the utl_file package is used to manipulate external files. If the package is never used, you can remove it right away. If you are using it, you need a plan first. Action Plan
2.2 Limit OS Authentication Background One alternative is operating system authentication, in which the user is created as: create user ops$ananda identified externally; If the host operating system has a userid named "ananda", then Oracle does not check its credentials anymore. It simply assumes the host must have done its authentication and lets the user into the database without any further checking. That's where the problem lies. If the host operating system is strong in authentication, it may be secure; but in some weak OSs, it is possible to login as a user by cracking the password or entering without a password: sqlplus / Note the lack of userid and password—the string "/" instructs the database to accept the connection of the userid ananda to the database account ops$ananda. This type of authentication commonly useful in shell scripts so that you don't have to embed the password in the script, but simply call it as sqlplus /. This is not only convenient but also somewhat secure, since the password is not present. However, consider this scenario: In weak-security OSs, someone can create an account called ananda and then use it to log into account ops$ananda. Must it be ops$? Not really; you can change it by setting an initialization parameter. In the following example, I have set it to osauthent$. os_authent_prefix = 'osauthent$' You can find these users by using the following query: SQL> select username, password from dba_users When the initialization parameter is set like this, the account ops$ananda will not work; instead, you need to create those accounts (OS-authenticated) as osauthent$ananda. In an interesting twist , you can also set it to "" (null). In that case the OS user ananda will map to Oracle user ananda. You can even set the password for this account: alter user ops$ananda identified by oracle; In that case, the user can log into the database in either manner: sqlplus / So, what's wrong with that? Well, consider the situation. Suppose the parameter os_authent_prefix is set to "" (null). In a weak OS, someone can create a user called SYSTEM and login as sqlplus / This will log the user as the Oracle user SYSTEM! Once logged in, the user can do anything they want—create users, drop data files, look into sensitive data, and a lot of other things. Suddenly, something that seemed like a convenience is a huge liability. Strategy SQL> select value If the above returns null, then you should make plans to change it. The actual value is not important, but you must include some non-alphanumeric character. That way, the OS-authenticated username will never match an actual user. Second, you need to make sure the OS-authenticated accounts are authenticated exactly that way—by the OS—and never have a password. For example, if your OS_AUTHENT_PREFIX were set to OPS$, you would use the following query to find out whether or not the password is set: SQL> select username, password from dba_users This shows that the user OPS$ORACLE cannot login through the OS authentication route or the password route. This is exactly what you want to avoid; there should be only one way to authenticate. To change the mode of authentication of OPS$ORACLE, you should use: alter user OPS$ORACLE identified externally; This changes the PASSWORD column to EXTERNAL. ImplicationsThe implications of these changes may be extensive depending on the usage of these accounts. If you have any of these types of accounts, scan the programs to find out how easily they can be changed. Action Plan
2.3 Disable Remote OS Authentication Background sqlplus / This works for the local users—users on the same server where the database runs. However, what happens when a user of a remote server tries to connect to the database? For instance, suppose you have two servers, node1 and node2, and a database runs on the node1 server. This database has a user OPS$ANANDA identified externally. There is a user ananda on the server node2, not node1. When user ananda on the server node2 tries to connect to the database on node1 by issuing: sqlplus /@node1 will he be able to connect? The answer depends on the settings of the database initialization parameter remote_os_authent. If the parameter is set to TRUE, he connection attempt is successful; if FALSE, the OS-authenticated connections from remote servers are not allowed. The default isFALSE. Why not? For a very good reason: On your database server you may have a great deal of security, so OS-authenticated users may not be an issue. But you cannot say the same thing for client machines. Depending on the OS, an adversary may be able to create an account called ananda on the remote servers, and when it connects to the database server, it can connect to ops$ananda without a password. Because you can't easily control client machines, this functionality puts a big chink into your armor. Strategy Implications select username, machine, osuser, terminalThe output might show something like this: USERNAME MACHINE OSUSER TERMINAL Here we see that the user ananda has logged as remote OS authenticated from the machine PRONTANANDAT42. Note here that ananda is a user in the machine PRONTANANDAT42, not the server where the database runs. Action Plan
2.4 Secure SQL*Plus Using Product Profile Background sqlplus someuser/somepass@remotedb @myscript.sql Here myscript.sql is a SQL*Plus script file that executes and then exits. During execution, the user may press Control-C (or the break key sequence for the specific OS) and interrupt the flow of the program. In this case the user gets the SQL*Plus prompt, connected as someuser. At this stage, the user can do pretty much everything that is possible from the SQL*Plus prompt—and therefore do some damage. This is a security hole you should patch up immediately. Strategy SQL> select * from system.SQLPLUS_PRODUCT_PROFILE Now when you start SQL*Plus and enter the host command (or its equivalent "!"), you will get the error: SQL> host; If you want to disable this for a certain user , simply replace the "%" (for all users) in the above insert command with the username you want to restrict. For instance, if you want this disabled for user SCOTT only, use the following statement: SQL> insert into system.SQLPLUS_PRODUCT_PROFILE You can also use wildcards in the username—such as APP% for all users starting with APP (APPUSER1, APPUSER2). This approach works for other commands (and their abbreviated or shortcut forms) as well: accept edit repheader This method also applies to SQL commands, not just SQL*Plus. For instance, if you want to disable the lock command, you will need to insert: insert into system.SQLPLUS_PRODUCT_PROFILE Note that the SQL command lock is disabled, yet we have used the "SQL*Plus" keyword above. The following SQL commands can be disabled: alter drop revokeImplications Before starting, note an important point: This approach applies to the SQL*Plus running on the server itself. It does not affect the SQL*Plus running elsewhere, such as at the client. This action requires some careful planning. If your shell scripts depend on the host command from SQL*Plus, disabling them would obviously stop these jobs. One very good example is the old host backup command. A typical SQL script file may look like: alter tablespace xyz begin backup; ...and so on for all tablespaces. This script will of course fail—unless it's run from the SYS user, in which case the command disabling won't not work. Action Plan
2.5 Rein In SQL*Plus Background sqlplus –restrict 1 scott/tiger Once inside the shell, if the user calls host command, he gets: SQL> host Note the error message is different from the product user profile message. Using -restrict 2 disables save, store, and spool commands, in addition to host and edit. Using -restrict 3 adds getand start to the existing list. The most important difference is that all users, even SYS, will be subject to this limitation. The product profile restriction does not apply to SYS. Strategy $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus_orig –restrict 1 This will have the same effect as the command line parameter. Of course, you can add any parameter to restrict you want. ImplicationsThe implications are similar to those of the previous task, only a little more extensive since they apply to SYS as well. If your scripts call the restricted commands, you may need to modify them or use a non-restricted version. Action Plan
2.6 Wrap Sensitive Code Background l_password := 'GobbleDGook'; An adversary can select the source code as: select text The best way to eliminate this risk is to use the wrap utility. Once you create the script file to create the procedure or function, wrap it by: wrap iname=myfunc.sql oname=myfunc.plb This will create a file myfunc.plb that has the source code stored is an undecipherable manner, protecting your code. In Oracle Database 10g Release 2, you can create the wrapped code directly without a script by calling the supplied procedure: begin You can also use this to write your own wrap utility: 1 declare and then place all your code in the input varray for wrapping. One other thing to be aware of: In Oracle9 i , the wrap utility does not wrap variable values. Thus, secret words like password andkeys are clearly shown inside the wrapped code. Let's see an example. Here are the contents of the file a.sql: create or replace procedure myproc I have used the value of the secret words as SecretKey. Let's wrap the source: $ wrap iname=a.sql oname=a.plb Now if you check inside of the wrapped code, you will still see the value in cleartext: $ grep SecretKey a.plb Again, this issue is not present in Oracle Database 10g Release 1 and later. To protect your variable values, you should make the cleartext value inside the code less readable. For instance, your code could read: create or replace procedure myproc Note how we have embedded the parts of the secret word inside the strings and used the positions inside the code. You can't see the first part of the code inside the first string. Strategy select name, text This may offer some clue that will help you identify the possible code segments to examine. Once you identify all such code, you should wrap it using the wrap utility and run the wrapped code. ImplicationsThere are no implications. However, you should be aware of a very serious issue: Wrapping is a one-way street; you can wrap cleartext code, but not create cleartext from the wrapped code. So, you should preserve the cleartext code in some safe place for further editing. If you lose it, you lose the ability to change the code forever. Action Plan
2.7 Convert Derived Grants to Direct Grants Background Step1 The user receives the error ORA-01031: insufficient privileges due to the fact that user B does not have the privileges to grant the privilege it itself received from someone. However, in step 1, if the statement were Grant select on tab1 to b with grant option; then user B would have had the privileges to grant it further, and step 2 would have been successful. Similarly, B can also grant it C with grant option, who in turn can grant it to D and so on. On the surface it sounds like a good plan. The original owner A does not need to worry about to whom to grant or revoke privileges; the process is self-managed on an as-needed basis. So what's the problem? Well, consider this scenario: Connect A/***** Remember, C got its privileges on TAB1 from B, not directly from A; so what happens to its privileges now that B lost them? C loses its privilege as well, since it was a derived one. Furthermore, suppose A has granted select on TAB1 to C directly. Now C has two grants on TAB1—one from B and one from A. When you revoke a privilege, the other one is still in effect, making you falsely believe that the privilege is not present. Despite its ostensible elegance, this process actually creates confusion and security holes and introduces difficult-to-track bugs. It makes much more sense to grant the privileges directly without an intermediary. Strategy SQL> col grantee format a15 A sample output is shown below. PUBLIC EXECUTE XDB.DBMS_XMLSCHEMA SYS The first three lines can be ignored, where the grant is made to the role PUBLIC by the user SYS. The privilege is on the package DBMS_XMLSCHEMA owned by the schema XDB. Being a special supplied package by Oracle, this may be allowed; but the fourth line clearly needs attention. The table MP, owned by ANANDA, has been granted by RUSER and should be corrected. The fix is really simple: Grant select on the object to APP1 directly, even if RUSER has a with grant option privilege. There are two ways to do that:
The second option is easier to implement. The SYS user does not really inherit the grants; it grants the privilege by using the system privilege grant any object privilege. When SYS grants the privilege as: grant select on a.tab1 to c; The GRANTOR column shows A, not SYS; which is exactly what you want. set lines 300 Now run the file grant_direct.sql to grant the privileges directly. After this is successful, you have to revoke the privileges you have granted indirectly. This is not possible in a single statement since you must be connected as the grantor as well. break on conn skip 2 Spool this script to a file, edit it to supply the password for each user, and execute it to revoke the grants. ImplicationsThere are two potential implications. First, since you are revoking privileges and re-granting them, you may introduce errors by failing to re-grant the privileges. So, it's important to get a snapshot of the privileges before and after this change to confirm success. Use this script to find out the privileges: SQL> select grantee, privilege, owner, table_name Run this before and after the change, save the outputs, and compare them to make sure the privileges are intact. The second implication is more pronounced. The grant-and-revoke cycle will make the cursors on these objects in the library cache invalid and will force the cursors to be reparsed, which will momentarily degrade performance. In addition, some dependent objects will be invalidated. Since the privileges are re-granted, the objects will compile fine when they are referenced; but you may want to take some proactive action and recompile them beforehand. Action Plan
2.8 Limit Tablespace Quotas Background alter user ananda quota 12M on users; This limits the user ananda to create stored objects such as tables, indexes, and materialized views whose total size doesn't exceed 12MB. To confirm or find out how much the user has used, issue the query SQL> col used format 999,999.999 head "Used (MB)" Sample output is shown below. USERNAME TABLESPACE_NAME Used (MB) Quota (MB) This needs some explanation. The output shows that the user USER1 has a quota of 100MB on the tablespace USERS (shown under the column Quota). Of this, the user has used nothing (as shown under the column Used). The second line is interesting—see how the Quota columns shows "-0". It indicates that the user has unlimited tablespace privileges on that tablespace—APP1_INDEX. The user USER2 has a quota of 5MB on tablespace USERS, of which only 0.125 MB has been used. It's the unlimited tablespace you should watch out for. A user can be given the unlimited quota by: alter user ananda quota unlimited on users; However, this act may have a security implication; if a regular user has an unlimited tablespace quota on a business-critical tablespace, the user could potentially fill the tablespace up completely—which is akin to a denial of service attack. A more serious risk is the system privilege UNLIMITED TABLESPACE, which allows the user to have unlimited quota on all tablespaces without a specific quota grant on them. Let me repeat: The user has unlimited quota on all tablespaces, including SYSTEM—so the user can create objects there. Not good. First, check for any explicit tablespace quota on SYSTEM: select If this query brings up something, you should evaluate it and if necessary revoke the quota. The next step is to identify the users with unlimited tablespace system privileges. select grantee This list should be carefully evaluated as this system privilege also includes that for SYSTEM tablespace. Strategy First, try to remove the unlimited quota from the SYSTEM tablespace. This can be done without much disruption to applications. But before that, you need to make sure the SYSTEM tablespace does not contain objects from outside the SYS schema. The following query accomplishes that. select owner, segment_type, segment_nameThe output is OWNER SEGMENT_TYPE SEGMENT_NAME In this case, only the OUTLN objects are in SYSTEM tablespace, which is acceptable. If you see any other object, then you should move them. The root cause of the problem could be the select username It should return only the following. USERNAME If it shows other usernames, alter the user to a different tablespace. For instance, to change the default tablespace of user SCOTT to USER_DATA, issue alter user scott default tablespace user_data; Then move all the objects out of the system tablespace. alter table scott.tab1 move tablespace user_data; Now, your next task is to ensure the quota is 0 for all users in the SYSTEM tablespace. There are two underlying reasons for the quota to be unlimited, one of which is the direct grant of unlimited tablespace. The other one is the grant of the role RESOURCE, which hasUNLIMITED TABLESPACE as a system privilege in Oracle9 i Database and earlier. In contrast, Oracle Database 10g does not have the system privilege granted to the RESOURCE role. For Oracle9 i Database Confirm that UNLIMITED TABLESPACE is indeed granted to the RESOURCE role. SQL> select * If UNLIMITED TABLESPACE is not listed, you don't need to do anything at this stage. Jump ahead to "Common Tasks." For Oracle Database 10g Confirm that UNLIMITED TABLESPACE is not granted to the RESOURCE role. SQL> select * Common Tasks Identify the users with the UNLIMITED TABLESPACE privilege and alter their quota to unlimited on all tablespaces. set lines 300 This creates a file with contents similar to alter user ORAAGENT quota unlimited on INDEX01; Next, you can execute this script file to have the unlimited quotas of these users. Finally, remove UNLIMITED TABLESPACE. set lines 300 Then execute this script file to revoke the privilege. ImplicationsThere are no implications for removing these privileges and reducing the quota to 0 on the SYSTEM tablespace. However, if you have segments in the SYSTEM tablespace and you move them to a different tablespace, there will be two consequences:
The change may also invalidate some dependent procedures. Action Plan
2.9 Monitor Listener Logs for Attempted Break-Ins Background Well, you can explore attempted unsuccessful logins from the listener log file. When a user supplies the wrong password and attempts to modify the listener, the following message writes to the listener log: 12-NOV-2005 23:23:12 * (CONNECT_DATA=(CID=(PROGRAM=)(HOST=prolin01)(USER=ananda This shows that on Nov 12 at 11:23 p.m. the user "ananda" was trying to stop the listener (note the presence of (COMMAND=stop) ) but supplied a wrong password. Could that indicate an attempted break-in? Possibly. Or perhaps ananda is a legitimate user but made a typo while entering the password, generating this error. But if you see this error many times, it may indeed signify an attempted break-in. You should visit user ananda and verify that he indeed was trying to stop the listener. Similarly, when the admin options are restricted in the listener, your user can't just set the parameters from the command line. If the user tries a command like: $ lsnrctl He will immediately get an error. TNS-12508: TNS:listener could not resolve the COMMAND given And the following entry will appear in the listener log file. 12-NOV-2005 23:26:34 * trc_level * 12508 This entry should tell you that someone was trying to set the trc_level directly on the LSNRCTL prompt. Again, this could be an honest mistake, but repeated attempts may indicate an attack. Strategy First, you could write a shell script using the following code: $ grep "(COMMAND=stop)" listener.log | cut -f4 -d"*" The following output would indicate that the listener command STOP was issued three times: 0 You can also make this script much more informative using sophisticated tools such as awk or scripting languages like PERL. However, if SQL is most familiar to you (which is likely), using SQL to extract information from this log file will be much more attractive. The trick here is to use the listener log as an external table. First, create a directory object on the directory where the listener log is located. create directory listener_log_dir Next, create the external table on the log file. Note the contents of the log file carefully; it generally contains six pieces of information separated by the "*" character. These pieces will become columns of the external table. create table listener_log After the table is created, you can select from it to confirm the definition is correct. The lines are fairly descriptive but embedded commands such as (COMMAND=stop) can make it difficult to decipher. In that case, write another function to extract the values from the strings: create or replace function extract_value The monitoring becomes extremely easy then. All you have to do to uncover failed login attempts is issue col l_user format a10with the embedde This returns output similar to LOGDATE COMMAND HOST L_USER SERVICE RC As you can see, the output shows the date and time of the command along with the return codes. You can also modify the query to show only those values where the return code is not 0. You can also add a predicate to show records after a certain date only, so that the attempts for only today are shown. If you run this script every day, you can see the attempts of that day only. The above shows data for invalid passwords only. For the admin-restricted listeners, the error string shows only three fields and thus the columns of the table LISTENER_LOG have different meanings: The second column shows the command issued by the user and the third column shows the return code. select This returns: LOG_DATE COMMAND RETURN_CODEImplications None; this activity is merely diagnostic. Action Plan
2.10 Audit and Analyze User Access Background The auditing functionality in Oracle Database is quite comprehensive. Here you need to enable just a portion of that functionality to create a "profile" of the database. All you will attempt to do is see the users connecting, the userid they use to connect, and the type of authentication used. You will also uncover invalid login attempts—for instance, when the userid/password combination was wrong. As discussed previously, finding patterns to these unusual events may provide clues to uncovering a potential attack. Strategy audit_trail = db This is a static parameter; you must recycle the database for it to take effect. After this is done, issue the following for the auditing to kick in. AUDIT SESSION; This command will create a record whenever a user logs in or logs out. An audit trail will be created even if the login attempt was unsuccessful. After the database runs for a while, you can look for patterns in the audit trail. The column RETURNCODE records the Oracle Error Code the user received while making the operation. SQL> select returncode, count(1) This clearly shows a pattern of errors; most of the operations were successful (where the return code is 0). For the rest of the codes, you can get descriptions by issuing oerr ora <errorno> from the *nix prompt. For instance, to find out what error code 1017 means, issue oerr ora 1017 this returns 01017, 00000, "invalid username/password; logon denied" This, the most common error, is the target for your analysis as it will reveal attack patterns most effectively. A high incidence of invalid/password combinations may indicate an attempted break-in. Now you should see where these sessions were coming from. Invalid passwords on a particular userid might indicate an attack on that userid. You can see the userids by: select username, count(1)The output shows something similar to the following: USERNAME COUNT(1) Here we see that a user ARAO, apparently a human one, has attempted to use an invalid password 569 times. The next userid, DBSNMP (381 invalid password attempts), is not a human user; it's the userid of Enterprise Manager. This should immediately raise alarm signals—DBSNMP is a favorite hacker target. To examine it more closely, let's see where these attacks are coming from: select userhost, terminal, os_username, count(1)the output is: USERHOST TERMINAL OS_USERNAM COUNT(1) Notice that the server where this database is running is prlpdb01. Since this is a RAC database, the second node is also present, and the server name is prlpdb02. Most of the bad connection attempts have come from these servers, and using the OS user (oraprlp), which is the Oracle software owner. If this was indeed an attack, the user has access to the Oracle software owner and could have logged in as SYSDBA. There was no need to login as DBSNMP, and clearly the password was wrong. So, it does not look like an attack. You can also see that the invalid logins are coming from two other machines: PRONTPRANANDAT42 and progcpdb. They may seem suspicious, we can confirm the identities of these machines—the first one belongs to a DBA named "ananda" and the other one is the Grid Control server, which is expected to connect using this userid. Next, analyze the pattern of these failures. If they are clustered around a specific time, it could indicate an attack. SQL> select to_char (timestamp,'mm/dd/yy') ts, count(1) As you can see, there are two distinct clusters: on 10/16 and on 10/28. You should mount a full investigation. ImplicationsAuditing may have minimal impact on performance; but it still has some impact. Furthermore, remember that the audit trails are written into the tablespace SYSTEM, which may get filled up. So you have to be vigilant for free space inside SYSTEM tablespace. Action Plan
The content provided here is for instructional purposes only and is not validated by Oracle; use it at your own risk! Under no circumstances should you consider it to be part of a consulting or services offering.
Phase 3Duration: One Month
3.1 Remove Passwords from Scripts
For example, in many installations I have audited, a STATSPACK job runs as a shell script such as this: export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/10.1/db export ORACLE_SID=MYSID cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus -s perfstat/perfstat @statspack.sql
When I ask the reason for this approach, the answer is almost universally the same: because the previous DBA did it that way. Whatever the reason, the threat is clear and present and must be eliminated. Strategy sqlplus -s scott/$SCOTTPASSWORD @script.sql
Option 1. One simple option is to use the nolog parameter in SQL*Plus. In this option, the previous script would change to the following: export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/10.1/db export ORACLE_SID=MYSID cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus /nolog @statspack.sql
connect perfstat/perfstat ... the rest of the script comes here ...
Option 2. This small variation of the above approach is useful in cases where SQL statements are not in a SQL script but rather embedded in the shell script directly, as in this example: $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus user/pass << EOF ... SQL statements come here ... EOF
$ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus /nolog << EOF connect user/pass ... SQL statements come here ... EOF
Option 3. In this option, you can create a password file containing userids and passwords and read them at runtime. First, create a file named .passwords (note the period before the filename) containing all userids and passwords. Because the filename starts with a period, it will be invisible when someone uses the ls -l command (but it will be visible with ls -la). Then change the permissions to 0600 so that only the owner can read it. The file should contain the userids and passwords (one per line) separated by a space: scott tiger jane tarzan ... and so on ...
fgrep $1 $HOME/.passwords | cut -d " " -f2 scott | sqlplus -s scott @script.sql
As a fringe benefit, you have now enabled a flexible password management system. Whenever scott’s password changes (and it should change periodically as a good practice), all you have to do is edit the password file. Option 4. This is where the OS-authenticated users come into the picture. (You learned about them in Phase 2.) As a recap, if you have a *nix user named ananda you can create an Oracle user as create user ops$ananda identified externally;
sqlplus /
sqlplus -s / @script.sql
Implications Action Items
Sidebar: Auditing Best Practices
Here you have learned how to use auditing to enforce some rudimentary levels of accountability. This approach has one serious limitation, however: You have to enable auditing by setting the initialization parameter AUDIT_TRAIL. This parameter is not dynamic; so to enable it, you must recycle the database. But if scheduling the required outage is difficult—and for many DBAs, it is—what are your options? When I create a database, I always set the parameter to DB (for Oracle9i and earlier), DB_EXTENDED (for Oracle Database 10g and 11g Release 1) and DB, EXTENDED (for Oracle Database 11g Release 2). But wait—doesn’t that enable auditing and fill up the AUD$ table in the SYSTEM tablespace, eventually causing the database to halt? No. Setting the AUDIT_TRAIL to a value does not enable auditing. It merely prepares the database for auditing—by specifying a location where the trails are written, such as to the OS or the database, the amount and type of auditing done, and whether the format is XML (introduced in Oracle Database 10g Release 2). To enable auditing, you have to use the AUDIT command on an object. For example, use the following command to start auditing on the table credit_cards: audit select, insert, update, delete on ccmaster.credit_cards;
Oracle Database 11g Release 2 introduced the audit trail purge, which allows you to maintain a sizeable audit trail. |
A sample output may look like this (toward the end of the output):
--------------- ----------
stccampas01 736
prodwpdb 1235
stcdelpas01 2498
This is revealing—as you can see, most of the connections come from the client machine stcdelpas01, but the next maximum number of connections comes from prodwpdb, which is the name of the database server itself. This could be a surprise, because you may have assumed that the connections originate externally.
Well, the next question could be, “Who is accessing the database from the server directly?” Another piece of SQL gets you that information:
select os_username, username, count(1)
from dba_audit_trail
where userhost = 'prodwpdb'
group by os_username, username
order by 3
Here is sample output:
----------- -------- --------
oracle SYS 100
oracle DBSNMP 123
oracle PERFSTAT 234
infrap DW_ETL 1986
This output clearly reveals that OS user infrap runs something on the server itself and connects as DW_ETL. Is this normal? Ask the user. If you don’t get a reasonable response, it’s time to dig around some more. The point is to know everything about your users: who they are, where they are coming from, and what they do.
Another crucial piece of information you can obtain from audit trails is evidence of potential past attacks. When an adversary mounts an attack, he may not get the password right every time—so he may resort to a brute-force approach wherein he tries to repeatedly guess the password and then log in.
You can detect such an attack by identifying patterns of username/password combinations from the audit trail. The clue is the column RETURNCODE, which stores the Oracle error code the user raised when the connection attempt was made. If a wrong password were supplied, the user would raise the following:
ORA-1017: invalid username/password; logon denied
So, you should look for ORA-1017, as in the following SQL statement:
select username, os_username, terminal, userhost,
to_char(timestamp,'mm/dd/yy hh24:mi:ss') logon_ts
from dba_audit_trail
where returncode = 1017;
Here is sample output:
--------------- ---------- --------------- --------------- ------------------
WXYZ_APP pwatson STPWATSONT40 STPWATSONT40 01/11/06 10:42:19
WXYZ_APP pwatson STPWATSONT40 STPWATSONT40 01/11/06 10:42:28
WXYZ_APP pwatson STPWATSONT40 STPWATSONT40 01/11/06 10:43:11
PERFSTAT oracle pts/5 prodwpdb 01/11/06 12:05:26
ARUP pwatson STANANDAT42 STPWATSONT40 01/11/06 14:09:20
ARUP pwatson STANANDAT42 STPWATSONT40 01/11/06 14:23:41
Here you can clearly see who has attempted to connect with a wrong password. Many of the attempts could be honest mistakes, but others may require investigation. For instance, the OS user pwatson has repeatedly tried (and failed) to log in as WXYZ_APP from the same client machine in a short span of time. Immediately thereafter, pwatson attempted to log in as the user ARUP. Now, this is suspicious. Remember, most attacks come from legitimate users within the organization, so no pattern is worth glossing over.
Along the same lines, you can monitor attempted logins with presumably “guessed” userids.
select username from dba_audit_trail where returncode = 1017
select username from dba_users;
The output:
Here someone has attempted to log in as a user that does not exist (SCOTT, which you have judiciously dropped from the database). Who could that be? Is it an innocent user expecting erroneously to connect to the development database, or is it a malicious user probing to see if SCOTT exists? Again, look for a pattern and identify the human user who made this attempt. Don’t be satisfied until you get a satisfactory explanation.
Turning on auditing definitely affects performance. But the rudimentary level of auditing you have enabled in this step will have negligible performance impact, with benefits far outweighing the costs.
The other impact you should consider carefully is the storage of audit trails. The audit trail entries are stored in the SYSTEM tablespace, which grows in size as the audit trails lengthen. If the SYSTEM tablespace fills up and there is no more space for audit records, all database interactions fail. Therefore, you have to be vigilant about free space.
Action Plan
Set the initialization parameter audit_trail to DB in the database and recycle it.
Enable auditing for sessions.
Extract information from audit trails and analyze it for patterns of attacks.
3.6 Create and Analyze Object Access Profiles
Merely knowing usernames and associated properties such as OS usernames, the terminals they connect from, and so on is not sufficient, however. To properly lock down the database, you also have to know what users are accessing. This information allows you to create an object “access profile”—any deviation from which may indicate attack or intrusion.
Again, the power of auditing is useful here. In the previous step, you enabled session-level auditing, which allows you to see session details. Now you have to enable object access auditing.
You may choose, for example, to audit access to objects that are very sensitive—such as tables where credit card numbers are stored, or procedures that return clear text credit-card numbers from encrypted values.
Suppose you want to audit anyone accessing the table credit_cards, owned by ccmaster. You could issue
audit select on ccmaster.credit_cards by access;
Subsequently, anyone who selects from that table will leave an audit trail.
You can record the information in two ways. In the first approach, demonstrated above in the keyword by “access,” a record goes into the audit trail whenever someone selects from the table. If the same user selects from the table twice in the same session, two records go into the trail.
If that volume of information is too much to handle, the other option is to record only once per session:
audit select on ccmaster.credit_cards by session;
In this case, when a user selects from the table more than once in a session, only one record goes into the audit trail.
Once auditing is enabled, you can analyze the trail for access patterns.
The trail looks different in each of the approaches. If auditing is enabled by session, you will see one record per session per object. The column action_name in this case will show SESSION REC, and the actions will be recorded in the column ses_actions.
select username, timestamp, ses_actions
from dba_audit_trail
where obj_name = 'CREDIT_CARDS'
and action_name = 'SESSION REC'
The output:
------------------------------ --------- -------------------
ARUP 16-JAN-06 ---------S------
Of course, you can also use other columns, such as os_username, terminal, and so on.
Note how the column ses_actions shows a series of hyphens and a letter S. This indicates that the user ARUP has performed certain actions that are recorded in the single record of the audit trail. The value follows a pattern, where each position indicates a specific action:
Position | Action |
1 | Alter |
2 | Audit |
3 | Comment |
4 | Delete |
5 | Grant |
6 | Index |
7 | Insert |
8 | Lock |
9 | Rename |
10 | Select |
11 | Update |
12 | References |
13 | Execute |
14 | Not used |
15 | Not used |
16 | Not used |
In the above example, ses_actions shows the following:
The S is in the 10th position, meaning that the user ARUP selected from the table credit_cards. However, it does not show how often the user selected from this table in this session, because you enabled for session only, not for access. If the user had also inserted and updated in the query, the column value would be this:
Note there are Ss in the 7th (Insert), 10th (Select), and 11th (Update) positions.
Why the letter S? It means that action by the user was successful. When you enable auditing, you can specify if the trail is to be recorded when the access was successful or unsuccessful. For instance, to record an audit trail only when the access failed for some reason (such as insufficient privileges), you can enable auditing as follows:
audit select on ccmaster.credit_cards by session whenever not successful;
Subsequently, when user ARUP successfully selects from the table, there will be no records in the audit trail. If the access is unsuccessful, there will be a record. The letter in the column ses_actions in that case would be F (for failure).
Similarly, if you want to audit only when the access is successful, you would substitute the clause “whenever not successful” to “whenever successful.” By default, both successful and unsuccessful accesses are logged if you do not specify the clause. So what happens if in a single session some accesses were successful but others were not? The letter in that case would be B (for both).
For example, here’s how the value would change along a time line for user ARUP, who does not have select privileges on the table credit_cards:
ARUP issues select * from CCMASTER.CREDIT_CARDS.
It fails, raising ORA-00942: table or view does not exist.A record goes into audit trail with the ses_actions value as ---------F------. Note the F in the 10th position, indicating a failure.
ARUP is not disconnected from the session. The owner of the table credit_cards, CCMASTER, grants the select privilege to ARUP.
ARUP now successfully selects from the table.
The ses_action column value will now change to ---------B------. Note that the 10th position has changed from F to B (both success and failure).
After you have audited that object for a while and developed its access profile, you can turn off auditing for successful attempts and enable it for failed ones only. It’s usually the failed ones that reveal potential attacks. Auditing for failed ones only will also reduce the overall length of the audit trails.
In Oracle Database 11g Release 2, the behavior is different. Instead of just one record per session, several records are generated once per action. In the above example where the user performed three actions—insert, select, and update—there will be three records in the audit trail with action_name = SESSION REC.
Had you enabled auditing by access, you would have used a different query, because there would be one record per access. The column ses_actions would not be populated, and the column action_name would show the actual action (such as select or insert) instead of the value SESSION REC. So you would use the following:
col ts format a15
col username format a15
col userhost format a15
col action_name format a10
select to_char(timestamp,’mm/dd/yy hh24:mi:ss’) ts,
username, userhost, action_name
from dba_audit_trail
where owner = 'CCMASTER'
and obj_name = 'CREDIT_CARDS';
----------------- ---------- --------------- ------
01/16/06 00:27:44 ARUP prodwpdb SELECT
01/16/06 11:03:24 ARUP prodwpdb UPDATE
01/16/06 12:34:00 ARUP prodwpdb SELECT
Note that there is one record per access (select, update, and so on), which gives you much finer granularity for establishing a pattern of access—as opposed to session-level auditing, which merely shows that ARUP selected and updated from the table credit_cards but not how many times or when.
So, which type of auditing should you use—session level or access level? Remember, access-level auditing writes one record per access, so the amount of audit information written is significantly larger than when only one record per session is written. If you are just trying to establish who accesses the tables and how, you should turn on session-level auditing first. That should give you an idea about how each object is accessed by users. To track down abuse from a specific user, you can turn on access-level auditing.
As described previously, auditing does affect performance. However, the benefits of auditing may far outweigh the cost, especially if you enable it strategically. Moreover, you don’t need to keep it turned on forever; you can turn auditing on or off on objects dynamically if necessary.
Action Plan
Identify key objects (tables, packages, views, etc.) that you want to audit (if not all of them).
Turn on session-level auditing for those objects.
After some time that you believe is representative of a typical work cycle, analyze the audit trails. The time you wait for the records to be gathered usually depends on your particular case. For instance, in the retail industry, you may want to wait for a month, which will generally capture all the processes—such as month-end processing, tallying of books, and so on.
Once you develop the profile, track down unsuccessful attempts. Note the users and the objects they were attempting to access.
Turn off session-level auditing and turn on access-level auditing for those objects only.
Analyze the access pattern by highlighting the failed attempts, the time, the terminal it came from, and so on, and determine the reason behind the failed attempts. If there is no justifiable excuse, pursue the matter as a potential security breach.
3.7 Enable Auditing for Future Objects
By now you’ve learned how to use auditing on specific, sensitive objects. You may also have decided to enable auditing for all objects, not a subset of them—perhaps you don’t know which ones are sensitive, or perhaps all of them are. In that case, there is a problem: Objects are created in the database continuously, and when they materialize, you have to remember to enable auditing on them.
Default auditing is very useful here. To enable auditing on any object not yet created, you issue the following:
audit select on default by session;
Afterward, when you create a table in any schema, the auditing options are automatically enabled for select on that table. To check for the default auditing options set in the database currently, use the following:
SQL> select * from all_def_audit_opts;
--- --- --- --- --- --- ----- --- --- ---- -- - -- -- -
-/- -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- S/S -/- -/- -/- -/- -/-
Note under the column SEL that you have a value S/S. The left-hand value indicates the auditing option when the action is successful. Here it’s S, indicating “session level.” The right-hand part indicates when it’s not successful, which also shows S—indicating “session level” as well. As you didn’t specify when the auditing should be done, the option was set for both success and failure—hence the value S/S.
Suppose you want to enable default auditing on select at session level when successful and at access level when not successful? You would issue the following:
SQL> audit select on default by session whenever successful;
Audit succeeded.
SQL> audit select on default by access whenever not successful
Audit succeeded.
Now if you see the default option, you will see this:
SQL> select * from all_def_audit_opts;
--- --- --- --- --- -- -- -- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
-/- -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- -/- S/A -/- -/- -/- -/- -/-
Here note the column SEL, which shows S/A—indicating session level (S) in success and access level (A) in failure.
This arrangement is common when you want to limit the number of audit entries under successful access, hence the session-level auditing for successful access. You would want, however, to track each occurrence of failed access; hence you have enabled access-level auditing for failures.
To disable default auditing, you would issue this:
noaudit select on default;
Later, you should check in all_def_audit_opts view to make sure the default audit options are indeed turned off.
With any auditing, there is always a performance concern, but the price may be small for the information obtained from it.
However, there is a potential hazard. As the default auditing is enabled for all objects created subsequently, without regard to who creates them and who selects from them, you as the DBA have no control over the audit options on a table. This situation may be exploited by an adversary, who can create objects indiscriminately, insert into them, select from them, and then finally drop them—all well within the quota imposed at the tablespace level.
However, the auditing is turned on for each created object, so the records keep building up in the audit trail, inflating the AUD$ table. Because that table is in the SYSTEM tablespace (unless you have moved it to a different tablespace in 11gR2), it will eventually fill up and kill the database, essentially creating a denial-of-service attack!
This situation may be rare, but it’s definitely possible. Fortunately, the prevention is simple: Just keep a close eye on the SYSTEM tablespace. If space runs out fast, explore why the audit records are being created so quickly. If you see a large number of objects created or selected that are not parts of the profile you built using auditing, you should definitely investigate.
As an immediate measure, you could turn off default auditing and then turn off auditing on those objects that crowd the audit trail entries (which can be done online). Then you should delete the records from the audit trail after storing them on a table in a different tablespace for future analysis.
Action Plan
Decide what actions on which you want to enable default auditing.
Decide what level—session or access—you want the default auditing to be.
Enable default auditing.
3.8 Restrict Access from Specific Nodes Only
In many cases, only a specified set of client machines will connect to your database servers. Here is a typical architecture:
Here, the database servers are findb01 and hrdb01, with databases named FINDB (financial database) and HRDB (HR database). The clients in the HR department connect to HRDB only; if they need some data from FINDB, they connect to the applications running on the finance department servers and get the data. Similarly, the application servers in the finance department never connect to HRDB directly.
What happens if a client in the finance department, finas01, tries to connect to HRDB? It will be able to successfully connect, provided that it knows a valid userid and password. As always, you should protect user passwords, but sometimes there are generic users with well-known passwords. Some examples are application users such as HRAPP with a ridiculously insecure password such as hrapp, password, or even abc123. Even with password management policies (described in Phase 4) in place, the password could be well known.
So, you have to build a wall around your servers so that no client machine outside the authorized list of machines can connect to them.
How can you ensure that only client connections from the HR department are allowed into the database HRDB? You have two options: login triggers and listener node validation.
Login triggers. In this option, you create a trigger that fires at login, checks the IP address, and fails if the IP address is not in a list of approved ones. Here is the trigger:
1 create or replace trigger valid_ip
2 after logon on database
3 begin
4 if sys_context('USERENV','IP_ADDRESS') not in (
5 ''
6 ) then
7 raise_application_error (-20001,'Login not allowed from this IP');
8 end if;
9* end;
In line 5, you can place all the IP addresses that are valid client machines enclosed in quotes and separated by commas. After this trigger is in effect, when SCOTT tries to connect from an IP address not in the list in the trigger, here’s what occurs:
$ sqlplus scott/tiger@hrdb
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-20001: Login not allowed from this IP
ORA-06512: at line 5
Note the error “ORA-20001: Login not allowed from this IP,” which was placed in the trigger. You can make this message as descriptive as you like. You can also make the trigger more robust to collect useful information such as recording such attempts in a table.
Note a very important point, however: Because login triggers do not fire for a DBA user, they do not prevent someone from logging in as a user with the DBA role enabled. This risk is not as bad as it sounds; you may, in fact, want to let DBAs log in from any client machine.
Listener node validation. The other option is to disable the login attempt at the listener itself. The connection attempt to the database server is disallowed by the listener, so there is no need for a trigger. To enable node validation, simply place the following lines in the file $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/sqlnet.ora on server hrdb01:
tcp.validnode_checking = yes
tcp.invited_nodes = (hrdb01, hras01, hras02)
Here you have specified the client machines (hras01 and hras02) that are allowed to connect to the listener. You can also specify the hostnames as IP addresses. Place all the node names on a single unbroken line (very important) separated by commas. Don’t forget to add the database server name (hrdb01).
After restart, if a client attempts to log in from a machine other than hras01 or hras02, he gets this error:
$ sqlplus scott/tiger@hrdb
ORA-12537: TNS:connection closed
This rather nonintuitive error is raised because of the filtering that occurs at the listener level. As the listener itself terminates the connection attempt, you get a “connection closed” error. This error occurs even if the user has the DBA role, because the attempt has not yet reached the database. Node validation is a very powerful feature. (For more information, read my blog article “Building a Simple Firewall Using Oracle Net.”)
So, which option should you choose to prevent unwanted clients from connecting? Let’s examine the pros and cons:
Node validation works at the listener level, so all users are stopped from connecting—even the ones with DBA roles. This may or may not be desirable. For instance, if you have a DBA tool installed on your laptop and your laptop has DHCP enabled—which assigns a new IP each time it connects to the network—you can’t place the IP address in the list of valid nodes; hence, you will not be able to connect.
Node validation requires the listener to be restarted. For the brief moment that the listener is down, clients will not be able to connect. Although this may not be an issue, you should be aware of it. Every time you change the list of valid nodes, you will have to restart the listener.
If you want to disable node validation temporarily, you should put tcp.valid_node_checking=no in the file sqlnet.ora and restart the listener. In the case of a login trigger, all you have to do is disable the trigger. You can re-enable it later when required.
In node validation, you can place all the allowed clients on one line, but on one unbroken line only. If the list is too long to fit on one line, then you can’t use this approach. Conversely, the trigger approach has virtually no limitations. Or, you can use another feature called Connection Manager to limit IP addresses more than one line long.
You have to use specific IP addresses or hostnames in node validation—no wild cards such as “10.20.%.%”, indicating all clients in the subnet 10.20. To accomplish this, you can use either wild cards in the trigger approach or Connection Manager.
The trigger approach lets you build a sophisticated tracking system wherein you can write to some tracking table for all attempts, successful or denied. In node validation, there is no such facility.
In the trigger approach, you can control access based on parameters other than IP—such as the time of day, the user connecting, and so on. Node validation reads only the IP address.
Remember, node validation stops attempts at the listener level; the database connections are as yet not attempted. Hence, if you have enabled auditing on failed login attempts, they would not be registered.
Because node validation works at the listener level, the potential adversary does not even get into the database, making denial-of-service attacks more difficult. This is a huge advantage for node validation over the trigger approach.
You should decide on your approach after considering the above differences. In general, if the only objective is to stop connections from IP addresses without any other functionality such as tracking those unsuccessful attempts, node validation is a quick and simple method. If you want more-sophisticated functionality, then you should look into login triggers.
How do you know which IP addresses to block and which ones to allow? Perhaps this assumption is too simplistic; in reality, the list of client machines will be long and difficult to track. Here is where your previous research comes in handy. Remember, in Phase 2, that you captured the IP addresses from which the users connect by mining the listener log. In that step, you must have generated a list of valid client IP addresses or hostnames. That list is what you need now.
The implications can be quite serious; if you haven’t done your homework, you may block a legitimate client.
Action Plan
From Phase 2 Step 1, get the list of valid IP addresses or hostnames of client machines.
Decide on the approach to use—trigger based or node validation.
Implement the plan.
Monitor closely for several days, preferably a full cycle such as a week or a month, as appropriate in your organization.
Fine-tune the approach by adding or removing nodes from being filtered.
3.9 Institute Periodic Cleanup of Audit Trails
Over a period of time, the audit trail grows quickly in size depending on the extent of the auditing. Like all things that grow rapidly, it needs frequent trimming, especially after you have examined the records and have no need for them.
There are several types of audit trails—the database audit trail (in the table AUD$), the fine-grained audit (FGA) trail (in the table FGA_LOG$), the OS audit trail (which are regular files in the file system), and the XML audit trail (which are just XML files in the file system)
You can delete the audit trails based on the source. The database and fine-grained audit trails can be deleted by connecting as SYS and issuing the following:
SQL> delete aud$;
SQL> delete fga_log$;
Don’t forget to commit after the statements. Because these are regular delete operations, they generate a large amount of redo and undo
To avoid the generation of redo and undo, you may truncate the tables rather than deleting. Bear in mind that the only Oracle-recommended method for truncation is making sure the audit trails are not being written while truncating the tables.
So, you should shut down the database, change the audit_trail parameter to none, and restart the database. After that, issue the following (as SYS):
SQL> truncate table AUD$;
Remember, truncate is a DDL operation; you can’t undo it. After that, reset the audit_trail parameter to DB and restart the database for normal operation.
For fine grained audit trails, you can truncate the table FGA_LOG$ at the same time as AUD$, if desired. For FGA, however, there is a slightly more flexible way. You can simply disable the FGA policies and then truncate the trail, without shutting down the database. Beware of the fact that while the policies are disabled, the fine-grained auditing is disabled too, and actions during that stage are not audited.
To remove the OS files and XML files, you can simply use the rm command. To remove files older than seven days, you could write a script like this:
find ${AUDIT_FILE_LOC} -name "*.log" -ctime ${DAYS} -exec rm {} ;
Set the location of audit trail files and days after which to remove them in the variables.
Technically, you can remove the trail records by issuing the truncate command against AUD$ and FGA_LOG$ tables even when the database is under normal operation; but you risk losing records that may not have been examined. While the database is not being accessed, the trail contents remain static, making sure the truncate command performs a consistent operation.
Oracle Database 11g Release 2 offers a new way of managing the audit trail cleanup, via a package dbms_audit_mgmt. First, you have to initialize the cleanup operation as shown below:
audit_trail_type => dbms_audit_mgmt.audit_trail_all,
default_cleanup_interval => 7*24 );
This is done only once. This tells that the cleanup will occur in 7*24 hours—in other words, at weekly intervals. The trail type is set to ALL types—in other words, database audit logs, FGA logs, OS files and XML files
Now you can create a Scheduler Job that will purge the trail in weekly intervals
dbms_audit_mgmt.create_purge_job (
audit_trail_type => dbms_audit_mgmt.audit_trail_all,
audit_trail_purge_interval => 7*24,
audit_trail_purge_name => 'all_audit_trails_job'
If the audit trails are too large, you can set a property called delete batch size, which sets the number of records the job will delete in one shot. Here is how you set the batch size to 10,000.
audit_trail_type => dbms_audit_mgmt.audit_trail_aud_std,
audit_trail_property => dbms_audit_mgmt.db_delete_batch_size,
audit_trail_property_value => 10000);
If you have enabled FGA you can set the delete size of those logs as well:
audit_trail_type => dbms_audit_mgmt.audit_trail_fga_std,
audit_trail_property => dbms_audit_mgmt.db_delete_batch_size,
audit_trail_property_value => 10000);
In the beginning, you can choose to manually delete the audit trails as a one-time effort. This will leave less amount of trail for the purge job. Here is how you can purge the available trails manually:
audit_trail_type => dbms_audit_mgmt.audit_trail_all
Because under the covers this is a normal delete operation, redo and undo will be generated, which could be substantial based on the amount of records deleted. Needless to say, you should perform this purge operation in a time period when the stress on the database is low.
Once the purge is completed, the audit trails will be gone. So, you should have created all the reports or archived these to a different place.
Action Plan
Archive the audit trails to a different place if needed.
Perform a one-time manual delete.
Institute a purge process, which varies depending on the version of the database.
Make sure you handle both database audit records (regular and FGA) and OS files (regular and XML)
Set the delete batch size for the purge process.
Phase 4
Duration: One Quarter
You've finally reached the final and longest phase of your security and compliance project. Here you will analyze some of the more complex setups and do long-term planning to eliminate potential threats.
Updated August 2010
Covered in this Installment:
- 4.1 Enable Fine-Grained Auditing
- 4.2 Activate a Virtual Private Database
- 4.3 Mask Sensitive Columns
- 4.4 Encrypt Sensitive Data
- 4.5 Secure Backups
- 4.6 Mine History from Archived Logs
- 4.7 Conclusion
4.1 Enable Fine Grained Auditing
Thus far you may have noticed that triggers haven’t been mentioned as an auditing mechanism. Why not? Because the use of triggers carries an overhead of secondary sequential SQL execution, which adds to overall execution time. This overhead is rarely acceptable for production systems.
Fine Grained Auditing (FGA) is an excellent solution here because of its minimal performance overhead. If you are already familiar with FGA, skip ahead to the “Strategy” subsection.
FGA was introduced in Oracle9i Database to record an audit trail when a user selects from a table, not just changes it. This was a landmark feature because there was no other way a SELECT activity could be recorded. Regular auditing enabled on SELECT statements merely recorded who issued a statement on an object but not what was done.
In addition to details such as username, terminal, and time of the query, FGA records the SQL statement that was executed as well as the SCN number of that instance of time. This allows you to see not only the actual statement issued by the user but the actual values the user saw, by reconstructing the data using flashback queries. In Oracle Database 10g Release 1, this facility was extended to cover other data manipulation language (DML) statements such as INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.
Here’s a small example. Suppose there is a table named ACCOUNTS in the schema called BANK:
Name Null? Type
---------------- -------- ------------
To enable auditing on it, you will need to define an FGA policy on it using the supplied package DBMS_FGA:
dbms_fga.add_policy (
object_name =>'ACCOUNTS',
policy_name =>'ACCOUNTS_ACCESS'
After the above code is executed, the FGA is active on the table ACCOUNTS. That’s it—there’s no need to change any initialization parameter or bounce the database.
The above code takes a shared lock on the table while executing, so you could do it online. Now, if a user named ARUP selects from the table by issuing the following
select * from bank.accounts;
the action is immediately recorded in the audit trail known as FGA Audit Trail. You can check it with the following:
select timestamp,
from dba_fga_audit_trail;
--------- ------- ------- ------- -------- ---------------------------
08-FEB-06 ARUP arup BANK ACCOUNTS select * from bank.accounts
The view shows many other columns as well.
You can customize FGA in a variety of ways. For instance, if you want to record when a user selects the column BALANCE and only when the balance is more than 20,000, you could add additional parameters while defining the FGA policy as
dbms_fga.add_policy (
object_schema =>'BANK',
object_name =>'ACCOUNTS',
policy_name =>'ACCOUNTS_ACCESS',
audit_column => 'BALANCE',
audit_condition => 'BALANCE >= 20000'
Sidebar: Separating Roles
One of the most contentious issues in database security is that of role separation. To administer a database, the DBA must have certain privileges, which are often rolled into a role like SYSDBA or even DBA. However, this role also has powers such as granting privileges to others and selecting all data from any table. This super-user privilege goes against the grain of most regulations such as Sarbanes-Oxley and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) because it allows a single person to become too powerful. The DBA role is a purely technical one that relates to the physical database and that is generally assigned to a pool of people. If the same people also have the ability to see and change any user data, then this creates a serious potential security risk of data vulnerability. Accountability is questionable, as the DBA can eliminate any data—even the audit trail. However, most compliance requirements demand a clear separation of duties and abilities. Thus, the privileges required to administer the physical database should not include those to query or modify user data. Traditionally, Oracle Database has not supported that separation. Therefore, in 2006 Oracle announced two revolutionary tools (both in beta at the time of this writing). The first, Oracle Database Vault (an option of Oracle Database 10g Release 2 Enterprise Edition and later), allows separation of privileges by creating “realms” of authorization. For instance, the DBA role will no longer have carte blanche to query and modify any table. Instead, the role will be limited to a specific domain of privileges, which is implemented as a realm. Thus, Oracle Database Vault does away with the concept of an omnipotent super-user who can erase all traces. Similarly, Oracle Audit Vault, a standalone product, provides a secure auditing facility that can be in a separate realm outside the DBA’s control or that of the application manager; the audit trail can be controlled only by a security administrator. Using these two tools, the three relevant roles here—administering the physical database, managing object privileges, and managing the audit trail—can be completely separated, the end state demanded by almost all compliance provisions. |
Another feature of FGA is that it can call a stored procedure in addition to the recording in the audit trail when the conditions are satisfied. This offers enormous advantage in certain cases involving additional processing, such as sending e-mails. Such SPs are called handler modules of the FGA policy. Remember, FGA can be activated by SELECT statements, which can then activate these handler modules. In a way, that makes handler modules “trigger on select” statements.
Oracle Database 10g introduced more FGA enhancements as well, such as these two noteworthy features:
Bind variables. Using FGA, you can capture bind variables in statements using a parameter in the DBMS_FGA.ADD_POLICY procedure:
audit_trail => DB_EXTENDED.
You can put this in the database initialization parameter file so that FGA records it all the time.
Relevant columns. Consider these two statements:
select balance from accounts where account_no = 9995;
select sum(balance) from accounts;
The first one clearly asks for a specific piece of sensitive information identifiable to a customer, something you may want to audit. The second one is more benign, whereby the user does not find any specific sensitive data about a customer. In your security policy, you may want to record the first statement but not the second. This will help limit the size of the trail.
You can do that by using another parameter, audit_column_opts => DBMS_FGA.ALL_COLUMNS, while defining the policy:
dbms_fga.add_policy (
object_schema => 'ANANDA',
object_name => 'ACCOUNTS',
policy_name => 'ACCOUNTS_SEL',
audit_column => 'ACCOUNT_NO, BALANCE',
audit_condition => 'BALANCE >= 20000',
statement_types => 'SELECT',
audit_column_opts => DBMS_FGA.ALL_COLUMNS
The default is DBMS_FGA.ANY_COLUMNS, which triggers an audit trail whenever any of the columns is selected.
Here we have merely scratched the surface of FGA. You will also find extensive discussions on FGA in my book Oracle PL/SQL for DBAs(O’Reilly Media, 2005).
The biggest advantage of FGA over regular auditing is that it does not require any specific initialization parameters and therefore does not need a database bounce. You can enable or disable FGA policies at will on objects.
Specifically, you should be looking for sensitive columns, and optionally, sensitive values in those columns. First, you need to formulate a policy for auditing. Here is a typical example of such a policy:
In the table SALARIES:
Audit when someone selects only the columns SALARY and BONUS. Do not audit when other columns are selected.
Audit even when the user selects only one column such as SALARY alone, without any identifying information such as EMPNO.
Audit whenever anyone selects any column from the table for EMPNOS below 1,000, which are reserved for executive management.
Do not audit when the user SAP_PAYROLL_APP selects. This is the account userid used by the payroll processing application, and auditing this will generate volumes of data and fill up the trail.
HR managers Jane and Sally regularly check and adjust the salary of employees in the low grades whose salary falls under 1,000. Their SELECT statements for salaries under 1,000 should not be audited.
In addition to audit, execute a stored procedure enqueue_message that sends an e-mail to a security officer Scott.
With this in mind, you should build three different FGA policies.
First, the universal policy for EMPNO >= 1000 and for the columns SALARY and BONUS only:
dbms_fga.add_policy (
object_schema => 'ACCMAN',
object_name => 'SALARY',
policy_name => 'SAL_SEL_UNIV',
audit_column => 'SALARY, BONUS',
statement_types => 'SELECT',
audit_option => 'EMPNO >= 1000 and USER NOT IN(''SAP_PAYROLL_APP'', ''JANE'', ''SALLY'')',
handler_module => 'ENQUEUE_MESSAGE'
Second, build the all-columns policy for EMPNO < 1000:
dbms_fga.add_policy (
object_schema => 'ACCMAN',
object_name => 'SALARY',
policy_name => 'SAL_SEL_EXEC',
statement_types => 'SELECT',
audit_option => 'EMPNO < 1000',
handler_module => 'ENQUEUE_MESSAGE'
Third, add the special policy for Jane and Sally:
dbms_fga.add_policy (
object_schema => 'ACCMAN',
object_name => 'SALARY',
policy_name => 'SAL_SEL_SPEC',
audit_column => 'SALARY, BONUS',
statement_types => 'SELECT',
audit_option => 'EMPNO >= 1000 AND SAL <= 1000 and USER IN
handler_module => 'ENQUEUE_MESSAGE'
As you can see, the conditions in the audit_option are mutually exclusive, so only one policy will be in effect and only one record will be written when any user attempts the SELECT statements.
Using this strategy, you can build a set of FGA policies. You can then enable and disable policies at will without impacting operation.
There are four serious implications:
If the handler module, if defined, throws errors while the selection is made, it will cause different behavior in different versions of Oracle Database:
• In Oracle9i Database, it silently stops retrieving that row without reporting an error. So, if there are 100 rows and 4 of them satisfied the audit condition, the handler module fired four times, and each time it will fail. The query will return only 96 rows without reporting any error, and you will never know that it happened. This obviously leads to inaccurate results.
• In Oracle Database 10g Release 1, it will ignore the errors in the handler module and retrieve all 100 rows as expected.
• In Oracle Database 10g Release 2, it will report the error on the user’s session performing the query without returning any rows—not even the 96 rows that didn’t satisfy the audit condition and didn’t execute the handler function.
Therefore, test the FGA handler module thoroughly before implementing it.
The audit trail table—FGA_LOG$—is in the SYSTEM tablespace. As more FGA entries are generated, the tablespace fills up, which may cause the database to halt. Note that in Oracle Database 11g Release 2, it is possible to move the FGA_LOG$ table to a different tablespace (described in detail in Phase 1 of this article series).
The audit trail is written to a table, although asynchronously. This induces a transaction as well as I/O, which adds to the overall I/O in the database. If your database is I/O bound, you will see a performance impact on the entire database as a result of FGA.
The audit trails are written asynchronously using autonomous transactions. Therefore even if a user rolls back the transaction, the trail entry is not deleted, leading to false positives. If you are thinking about using FGA as a foolproof mechanism to identify users, you should be aware of these false positives.
Action Plan
Identify sensitive tables and columns.
Identify degree of sensitivity to access—for example, salary below 500 is OK.
Put all possible combinations on a piece of paper and then combine them into pieces of WHERE conditions (predicates) in such a way that any given condition will be satisfied by a single predicate, not more.
Build the FGA policy from those predicates.
Enable FGA policies.
After some time, analyze the FGA audit trail files.
Build a purge schedule and purge the FGA trail table.
4.2 Activate a Virtual Private Database
If you are already familiar with application contexts and Oracle Virtual Private Database (VPD; also known as Row Level Security or Fine Grained Access Control), you may skip this subsection and jump straight to the “Strategy” subsection.
(VPD is a large topic, so I will just cover the basics here. As with FGA, more information can be found in my book Oracle PL/SQL for DBAs).
Suppose you have a table called ACCOUNTS with the following data:
SQL> select * from accounts;
---------- -------------------- ----------
1 John 1000
2 Jill 1500
3 Joe 1200
4 Jack 1300
You want to make sure that only people with proper authorization should see account balances allowed for their levels. That is, Level 1 should not see balances of more than 1,000, Level 2 should not see balances of more than 1,200, and Level 3 should see all. You have another table to show users and their levels:
SQL> select * from userlevels;
------------------------------ ----------
To hold the user’s level when they first log in, you will need to create an application context:
create context user_level_ctx using set_user_level_ctx;
and its associated trusted procedure:
create or replace procedure set_user_level_ctx
p_level in number
dbms_session.set_context (
Then you will need to create a login trigger to set the proper application context:
create or replace trigger tr_set_user_level
after logon
on database
l_level number;
select userlevel
into l_level
from arup.userlevels
where username = user;
set_user_level_ctx (l_level);
when NO_DATA_FOUND then
when OTHERS then
This sets the stage for setting the user levels in the application context attributes. Let’s test to make sure:
SQL> conn clerk1/clerk1
SQL> select sys_context('USER_LEVEL_CTX','LEVEL') from dual;
SQL> conn clerk2/clerk2
SQL> select sys_context('USER_LEVEL_CTX','LEVEL') from dual;
SQL> conn clerk3/clerk3
SQL> select sys_context('USER_LEVEL_CTX','LEVEL') from dual;
As you can see, each user ID properly sets the levels. Now, you can build the VPD on the table. The whole VPD infrastructure can be controlled using the supplied PL/SQL package DBMS_RLS; the rules governing which rows should be shown are controlled by a concept called a policy. A policy applies a “predicate” (a WHERE condition) to all the queries on the table, effectively restricting the access to rows. The WHERE condition is generated by a function called a policy function. So, first we have to create the policy function that returns a WHERE condition to be applied to the queries:
create or replace function get_acc_max_bal
p_schema in varchar2,
p_obj in varchar2
return varchar2
l_ret varchar2(2000);
case userlevel
when 1 then 'acc_bal <= 1000'
when 2 then 'acc_bal <= 1200'
when 3 then null
into l_ret
from userlevels
where username = USER;
return l_ret;
then add the policy:
dbms_rls.add_policy (
object_name => 'ACCOUNTS',
policy_name => 'ACC_MAX_BAL',
policy_function => 'GET_ACC_MAX_BAL',
statement_types => 'INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT',
update_check => TRUE
At this time, the table is protected. When CLERK1logs in and selects from the table:
SQL> select * from arup.accounts;
---------- -------------------- ----------
1 John 1000
CLERK1 sees only ACCNO 1, with balance 1,000. Because he is not authorized to see anything above that account balance, the other accounts are invisible to him. But when CLERK2 logs in:
SQL> conn clerk2/clerk2
SQL> select * from arup.accounts;
---------- -------------------- ----------
1 John 1000
2 Joe 1200
she can see ACCNO 2 as well. The balance of ACCNO 2 is 1,200, within the authorized limit for CLERK2.
Using this technique, you can build a sort of restricted view into the table. This will be a very handy tool in Project Lockdown.
The key is to find out what information is to be protected from all parties and on which columns. This sounds much easier than it actually is. Collecting this information requires business knowledge, or at least collaboration with someone more familiar with those processes. Once you identify the tables and columns, you should be able to implement the VPD policy as shown in the examples in the “Background” subsection above.
What if you want to let some users have unrestricted access to the tables even though the VPD policy is in effect? The role EXEMPT ACCESS POLICY does exactly that:
grant exempt access policy to ananda;
From that point on, ANANDA will bypass all access policies defined on all tables.
It is probably unacceptable to allow a user to bypass all access restrictions, however; a better solution is to code it in the policy function itself. A good example is the schema owner of the table—you definitely want it to see all the rows of the table it owns without restriction. You can code it in the policy function as follows:
create or replace function get_acc_max_bal
p_schema in varchar2,
p_obj in varchar2
return varchar2
l_ret varchar2(2000);
if (p_schema = USER) then
l_ret := NULL;
case userlevel
when 1 then 'acc_bal <= 1000'
when 2 then 'acc_bal <= 1200'
when 3 then null
into l_ret
from userlevels
where username = USER;
end if;
return l_ret;
This version of the function returns NULL when the owner of the table logs in (p_schema = USER) and therefore provides unrestricted access to the table. You can, of course, make any changes in the function to allow more users to bypass the VPD policy.
The biggest challenge in VPD is putting the restriction on the child tables. Your limiting condition may be on a column called, say, ACC_BAL; but all other child tables may not have the column. So how can you restrict those tables?
For example, here is a table called ADDRESSES that contains the customer addresses. This table does not have a column called ACC_BAL, so how can you put the same restriction on this table as on ACCOUNTS? There are two ways:
The first way is to add a column ACC_BAL on the table ADDRESSES. This column may be updated through a trigger on the main table ACCOUNTS. Now you can define a policy on the table using the same policy function used on ACCOUNTS.
The second way is to use a different policy function for ADDRESSES. In this function, the return value should be
This is the predicate used in the policy restriction. So, the address will be displayed only if the account exists on ACCOUNTS, and because the table ACCOUNTS is restricted anyway, the table ADDRESSES will be automatically restricted.
You have to choose between these two approaches based on your situation.
There are several potentially damaging implications.
VPD works by rewriting queries to add the additional predicate. The user queries may have been well written and perhaps well tuned, but the introduction of the additional predicate does throw a wrench into the works, because the optimization plan may change. You should carefully consider the potential impact and mitigate the risk by building indexes.
Materialized views work by selecting the rows from the underlying tables. If the schema owner of the view does not have unrestricted access to the table, only those rows that satisfy the VPD policy will be refreshed, rendering the view inaccurate.
If you have set up replication, the users doing the propagation and reception should have unrestricted access to the table. Otherwise, they will replicate only part of the table.
If you load the table using Direct Path Insert (INSERT with the APPEND hint), then you cannot have a VPD policy on the table. Either you should disable the policy temporarily or do the insert using a user that has unrestricted access to the table.
Direct Path Exports bypass the SQL Layer; hence, the VPD policy will not be applied. Therefore, when you export a table using the DIRECT=Y option, Oracle Database ignores it and exports it using the conventional path. This may add to the overall execution time.
Action Plan
This is a complex and fluid plan:
1. Identify the tables to be protected by VPD.
2. Identify the columns of those tables that need to be protected.
3. Identify the restricting condition—for example, Salaries > 1000.
4. Identify how to establish privileges—for example, do users have authority levels or roles? You may want to divide users into three groups with certain levels of authority associated with them. Or, perhaps you want to assign access restrictions on groups of users based on role—managers can access all rows, clerks can access SALARY > 2000, and so on.
5. Decide how you will pass the privileges to the policy function—through a package variable, through an application context, or through a static table.
6. Identify if further indexes need to be created.
7. Create additional indexes.
8. Identify child tables and decide on a scheme to enable the restriction on them—via a new column or the IN condition.
9. Re-identify the need for indexes based on your decision above.
10. Create indexes.
11. Build the policy function.
12. Create the policy (but as disabled).
13. On a light-activity time of day, enable the policy and test accessing the table from a regular user account to make sure that the policy works. If it does not work, check trace files to find the error.
14. If it works, enable the policy.
15. Monitor performance.
16. Identify further needs to build indexes, use outlines, and so on.
17. Iterate for all tables.
4.3 Mask Sensitive Columns
Imagine that you’re an amateur database hacker. The database in this case contains medical records, and the information you are looking for is diagnosis codes. What column would you look for? Probably one named DIAGNOSIS, DISEASE, or something similar.
As you can see, sensitive columns with obvious names are a crucial security issue.
When adversaries have no prior knowledge of the contents of your database, they will not decipher the meaning of your columns if they have nonintuitive names. This is a strategy known as “security by obscurity.” Even seasoned adversaries who deliberately force into the database will still need to track down the column names before they can do anything else. Because they may have limited time—they almost always do—they will usually move on to the next opportunity. Of course, using obscure column names makes development harder as well.
There is an alternative to making this trade-off, however: column masking, in which you hide the contents of the column and expose it only to legitimate users.
There are two column-masking approaches: by using a view and by using VPD.
Using a view. This method is applicable to any version of Oracle Database but is usually the only choice when your database release is Oracle9i or earlier.
Suppose your table looks like this:
SQL> desc patient_diagnosis
Name Null? Type
------------------- ------ -------------
The rows look like this:
SQL> select * from patient_diagnosis;
---------- ------------ -- ---------- ------------
1 1 01 1 1003
1 2 02 1 1003
1 3 11 1 1003
2 1 11 1 1005
2 2 41 2 1005
In this case, you want to hide the values of the column DIAGNOSIS_CODE
create view vw_patient_disgnosis
from patient_diagnosis
Then you can create a synonym PATIENT_DIAGNOSIS for the view VW_PATIENT_DIAGNOSIS and grant select on the view instead of the table. The view hides the column DIAGNOSIS_CODE.
This is a rather simplistic solution, so instead of masking the column for all users, you may want to create role-based obscurity. When the user is a manager, show the protected columns; otherwise, don’t. You can do so by passing an application context or a global variable to designate the role of the user. If the application context attribute were IS_MANAGER, you could use
create or replace view vw_patient_disgnosis
) diagnosis_code,
from patient_diagnosis;
This is a more flexible view that can be granted to all users, and the contents of the view will be dynamic based on the user’s role.
Using VPD. Oracle Database 10g introduced a feature that makes VPD even more useful: There is no need to create a view. Rather, the VPD policy can suppress the display of sensitive column. In this case, the VPD policy function will look like this:
1 create or replace function pd_pol
2 (
3 p_schema in varchar2,
4 p_obj in varchar2
5 )
6 return varchar2
7 is
8 l_ret varchar2(2000);
9 begin
10 if (p_schema = USER) then
11 l_ret := NULL;
12 else
13 l_ret := '1=2';
14 end if;
15 return l_ret;
16 end;
Now create the policy function:
1 begin
2 dbms_rls.add_policy (
3 object_schema => 'ARUP',
4 object_name => 'PATIENT_DIAGNOSIS',
5 policy_name => 'PD_POL',
6 policy_function => 'PD_POL',
7 statement_types => 'SELECT',
8 update_check => TRUE,
9 sec_relevant_cols => 'DIAGNOSIS_CODE',
10 sec_relevant_cols_opt => dbms_rls.all_rows
11 );
12 end;
Note Lines 9 and 10. In Line 9, we mention the column DIAGNOSIS_CODE as a sensitive column. In Line 10, we specify that if the column is selected, all rows are displayed; but the column value is shown as NULL. This effectively masks the column. From the policy function, note that the predicate applied is NULL when the owner of the table selects from it—so, the VPD restrictions are not applied and the column is shown.
Remember, there is no way to “replace” a policy. If an old policy exists, you have to drop it first:
dbms_rls.drop_policy (
object_schema => 'ARUP',
object_name => 'PATIENT_DIAGNOSIS',
policy_name => 'PD_POL'
Now you can test the effect of this change
SQL> conn arup/arup
SQL> select * from patient_diagnosis;
---------- ------------ --- ---------- ------------
1 1 01 1 1003
1 2 02 1 1003
1 3 11 1 1003
2 1 11 1 1005
2 2 41 2 1005
Note that the DIAGNOSIS_CODE column values are shown, because ARUP is the owner of the table and should see the values. Now, connect as another user who has select privileges on the table, and issue the same query:
SQL> set null ?
SQL> conn ananda/ananda
SQL> select * from arup.patient_diagnosis;
---------- ------------ -- ---------- ------------
1 1 ? 1 1003
1 2 ? 1 1003
1 3 ? 1 1003
2 1 ? 1 1005
2 2 ? 2 1005
Note how the column DIAGNOSIS_CODE shows all NULL values.
This method is much more elegant, even apart from the fact that there is no view to be created on the table, no synonym to be created to point to the view, and no additional grants to be maintained. If you need to have different policies to show this value to different people, you can easily modify the policy function (Line 11) to add further checks. For instance, your policy may say that less sensitive diagnosis codes such as those for the common cold can be exposed to all users. So, your policy function will look like the following, assuming that the DIAGNOSIS_CODE for common cold is “01”:
1 create or replace function pd_pol
2 (
3 p_schema in varchar2,
4 p_obj in varchar2
5 )
6 return varchar2
7 is
8 l_ret varchar2(2000);
9 begin
10 if (p_schema = USER) then
11 l_ret := NULL;
12 else
13 l_ret := 'diagnosis_code=''01''';
14 end if;
15 return l_ret;
16* end;
Note Line 13, where we added the predicate to show only when the diagnosis code is “01” and nothing else. Now, test the effect:
SQL> conn arup/arup
SQL> select * from arup.patient_diagnosis;
---------- ------------ -- ---------- ------------
1 1 01 1 1003
1 2 02 1 1003
1 3 11 1 1003
2 1 11 1 1005
2 2 41 2 1005
SQL> conn ananda/ananda
SQL> select * from arup.patient_diagnosis;
---------- ------------ -- ---------- ------------
1 1 01 1 1003
1 2 ? 1 1003
1 3 ? 1 1003
2 1 ? 1 1005
2 2 ? 2 1005
Note that the diagnosis code is “01” for patient id 1 and diagnosis id 1, which is the only allowed diagnosis code; so it is shown clearly. All others have been shown as NULL and are effectively masked.
If you want to mask sensitive columns and the programs do not even mention them, there will be no implications.
If you use the view approach, where the sensitive column is simply removed from the view, it might pose a problem where the programs use a construct like SELECT * FROM TABLE .... Because the columns have not been explicitly named, the absence of one column will affect the program execution. But this is not the issue with the modified view approach where the column is still present but NULLed.
There is one very important implication you should be aware of. Suppose you have a column called CONTRACT_AMOUNT, which is shown if less than a certain value—say, $500. If more than $500, then the column shows NULL. The table has three rows with values 300, 300, and 600 in the column. Prior to column masking, if a user issues the query
select avg (contract_amount) from contracts;
he will get 400 (the average of 300, 300, and 600). After column masking, the value of the column will be NULL for the record where the value is $600, so the user will see the values as 300, 300, and NULL. Now the same query would show 200 (the average of 300, 300, and NULL). Note the important difference: The value shown is 200, not 400.
Be aware of this important difference that column masking can introduce.
Action Plan
List all sensitive columns on all sensitive tables.
Decide on sensitive columns to be masked.
Decide on the privilege scheme.
If you are on Oracle Database 10g Release 1 or later, choose the VPD approach.
Choose the view-based approach.If you choose the VPD approach:
Create policy functions for each table.
Create policies for each table. This will help you control masking on specific tables.
If you choose the view-based approach:
Create views on each table, typically named VW_<table_name>.
Create a synonym (the same name as the table) pointing to the view.
Revoke privileges made to the users on the table.
Re-grant the privileges to the view.
Recompile all dependent invalid objects.
4.4 Encrypt Sensitive Data
As I mentioned previously in this series, security is like protecting yourself on a cold winter day with layers of clothing, versus wearing the bulkiest winter jacket available. But building layered defenses may not deter the most determined adversary, and it certainly won’t always prevent a legitimate user from stealing corporate assets. The last line of defense in such a case is encryption, by which the data is accessible to the user (or the adversary) but only with a key. Without the key, the data is useless. If you protect the key, you will protect the data.
Remember, encryption is not a substitute for other layers of security. You must have those defenses in place regardless.
Encryption is a vast topic, but I’ll try to give you an actionable overview here.
Oracle provides three types of encryption:
The first type is encryption APIs, such as the packages dbms_obfuscation_toolkit and dbms_crypto (in Oracle Database 10g Release 1 and later). Using these packages, you can build your own infrastructure to encrypt data. This is the most flexible approach but rather complex to build and manage.
Column-level Transparent Data Encryption, a feature of Oracle Database 10g Release 2 and later, obviates manual key management. The database manages the keys, but as the name suggests, the encryption is transparent— column data is stored in an encrypted manner only. When selected, it will be in clear text.
Tablespace-level Transparent Data Encryption, introduced in Oracle Database 11g Release 1, makes the process much easier and much more effective. A whole tablespace is encrypted, and anything on that tablespace—tables, indexes, materialized views—is stored in encrypted format. However, when they are selected and placed in the buffer cache, the data is in clear text. Because data is compared in the buffer cache, it is done in clear text as well, and consequently the comparison becomes faster.
I recommend that you review the Oracle documentation (Chapter 17 of the Oracle Database Security Guide and Chapter 3 of the Oracle Database Advanced Security Administrator’s Guide) to learn more about these features. At a minimum, you should review two articles on Oracle Technology Network: “Transparent Data Encryption” ( and “Encrypting Tablespaces” ( before proceeding to the “Strategy” subsection.
The choice between regular encryption and Transparent Data Encryption is a vital one. (In releases prior to Oracle Database 10g Release 2, however, only the former is available.)
In either case, you will have to identify the tables, and more specifically the columns, to be encrypted. It’s probably not a good idea to encrypt all columns, because encryption routines do burn CPU cycles.
Next, pick an encryption algorithm. A typical choice is Triple Data Encryption Standard (DES3 with 156-bit encryption. However, starting with Oracle Database 10g Release 1, you have access to the newer, faster, and more secure Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm that operates with a 128-bit long key.
Oracle9i Database provided dbms_obfuscation_toolkit; with Oracle Database 10g Release 1, you have access to dbms_crypto, a much better utility. The older package is still available, but avoid it if you are building encryption infrastructure for the first time.
At this point, you have to decide between TDE and your own routine (if applicable). The table below may help you decide.
| Transparent Data Encryption | User-built Encryption |
Flexibility | Minimal—For instance, if the column SALARY in the SALARIES table is encrypted, then any user with access to the table will be able to see the data clearly. You can’t place selective control on that column based on user roles and levels. The data in the database is encrypted but is decrypted when accessed. Note that you can use VPD with column masking that displays NULL for an encrypted column, as shown in section 4.3. | Robust—For instance, you may define the column to be shown in clear text only if the user is a manager, and encrypted otherwise. This will ensure that the same application sees the data differently based on who is using it. This flexibility can also be expanded to other variables, such as time of day or the client machine accessing the database. |
Setup | Minimal—This facility is truly transparent. There is nothing to do but issue this command (provided all other one-time jobs have been executed, such as building the wallet): ALTER TABLE SALARIES MODIFY (SALARY ENCRYPT) | Extensive—To provide a seamless interface to the users, you have to create a view that does a decryption of the column. This view should then be granted. This introduces several layers of complexity in management. |
Key Management | Automated—Key management is handled by the database, using a wallet. In Oracle Database 11 onward, key management can also be hardware based, making it even more secure and effective. | Manual—Because you have to manage the keys, you have to decide how you can balance between the two conflicting requirements: 1. Make the key secure so that it’s not accessible to an adversary. 2. Make it accessible to applications. |
Restrictions on columns | Some—In column-level TDE, certain columns cannot be encrypted, such as those with partition keys, of datatypes BLOB, and so on. There is no restriction, however, on Tablespace-level TDE, introduced in Oracle Database 11g Release 1. | One—The only restriction is LONG. |
Support for indexes | It depends on the TDE flavor used In tablespace-level TDE, indexes help as much as the regular clear-text data. In column-level TDE, indexes may not help in queries because the data is stored in an encrypted manner. | Yes—Because you control the encryption, you can create surrogate columns to build indexes on. |
Scope | It depends on the TDE flavor used. In column-level TDE, you can decide to encrypt a specific column while the rest can be clear text, preventing unneeded encryption/decryption. In tablespace-level TDE, all the columns of the table, sensitive or not, will be encrypted. | Controlled—Specific columns can be encrypted. |
If you decide to use TDE—regardless of the flavor—take the following steps:
1. Configure the wallet. It’s generally in the folder $ORACLE_BASE/admin/$ORACLE_SID/wallet, but you can use any location by putting the following lines in the file SQLNET.ORA:
(DIRECTORY=/orawall) ) )
Here, the wallet location is set to /orawall.
2. Open the wallet and assign a password. Issue this command:
alter system set encryption key authenticated by "53cr3t";
Choose a password that is difficult to guess but easy to remember. (For security purposes, you may want the wallet password to remain unknown to the DBA, so that a second person is needed to open the wallet.) From now on, every time the database opens, you have to open the wallet with
alter system set encryption wallet open authenticated by "53cr3t";
After this, you can create tables with encrypted columns (as in column-level TDE):
create table accounts
acc_no number not null,
first_name varchar2(30) not null,
last_name varchar2(30) not null,
SSN varchar2(9) ENCRYPT USING 'AES128',
acc_type varchar2(1) not null,
folio_id number ENCRYPT USING 'AES128',
sub_acc_type varchar2(30),
acc_open_dt date not null,
acc_mod_dt date,
acc_mgr_id number
When users insert data into the table, the data is automatically converted into encrypted value and put on the disk. Similarly, when the data is retrieved by a select statement, it’s automatically converted into decrypted value and shown to the user.
If you decide to use tablespace-level TDE, you can’t convert an existing tablespace into an encrypted one. You must create a new tablespace as encrypted and move the tables or indexes into that tablespace. Here is how you create an encrypted tablespace:
create tablespace enc_ts
datafile '+DATA'
size 100M
encryption using 'AES128'
default storage (encrypt)
After that, you should move a table—for example, CREDIT_CARDS—into that tablespace:
alter table credit_cards
move tablespace enc_ts
That’s it; the table is now completely encrypted on disk. Of course, any new table you create on this tablespace will be encrypted from the beginning.
As with any major change, there are some serious implications.
Encryption is a CPU-intensive operation. If the system is already CPU bound, this will make it worse. Consider Tablespace Encryption in Oracle Database 11g Release 1 to reduce this performance issue.
Indexes will not work well with encrypted columns, especially predicates like WHERE <ColumnName> LIKE 'XYZ%', which should have used index range scan in unencrypted columns but will use full table scans. Again, Tablespace Encryption is not subject to this restriction.
Key management is a very important issue. If you lose the keys, the data becomes inaccessible.
Action Plan
The action plan is described in the “Strategy” subsection.
4.5 Secure Backups
In many cases, DBAs forget the most vulnerable of spots: the backup of the database. Once the data leaves the secured perimeters of the server, it’s not under your control anymore. If an adversary can steal the tapes, he can mount them on a different server, restore the database, and browse the data at his leisure.
Fortunately, you can eliminate even that risk via backup encryption.
In Oracle Database 10g Release 2 and later, you can encrypt backups in Oracle Recovery Manager (Oracle RMAN) in three different modes: transparent, password-based, and dual.
Transparent mode. In this (the most common) approach, Oracle RMAN gets the encryption key from the encryption wallet (discussed in the previous section) and uses it to encrypt the backup set. Needless to say, the wallet must be open during the backup and restore. If the wallet is not open, you will get the errors
ORA-19914: unable to encrypt backup
ORA-28365: wallet is not open
Open the wallet using this command:
alter system set encryption wallet open authenticated by "53cr3t";
Of course, the password may be something other than “53cr3t.” Remember, this is case sensitive so it must be enclosed in double quotes.
Make sure the encryption is enabled for the entire database. You can enable it by issuing
RMAN> configure encryption for database on;
Alternately, if you want to encrypt only a few tablespaces, you can issue the following for all tablespaces:
RMAN> configure encryption for tablespace users on;
After that you can use the regular backup commands without any other user intervention:
RMAN> backup tablespace users;
When you restore the backup, the wallet must be open. If the wallet is not open, then you get the error while restoring:
RMAN> restore tablespace users;
Starting restore at 09-FEB-06
using channel ORA_DISK_1
... messages ...
ORA-19870: error reading backup piece C:ORACLEPRODUCT10.2.0FLASH_RECOVERY_AR
ORA-19913: unable to decrypt backup
ORA-28365: wallet is not open
The error message is pretty clear; the wallet must be opened. If you ever need to restore the tablespace in other servers, the wallet must be copied there and opened with the correct password. If an adversary steals the tapes, he will not be able to restore the backups.
Password-based mode. In this case, there is no need to use the wallet for key management. The backups are encrypted by a key that itself is encrypted by a password. Here is how a command looks:
RMAN> set encryption on identified by "53cr3t" only;
RMAN> backup tablespace users;
The backup set produced above will be encrypted by the password. To decrypt it during restore, you have to use the password as follows:
RMAN> set decryption identified by "53cr3t";
RMAN> restore tablespace users;
This eliminates the use of wallets. So to restore the backup on any server, all you need is the password, which does away with the backup of the wallet. However, your password must be visible in the scripts, and hence any adversary with access to the database server will be able to read it. Refer to Phase 2, where you learned how to hide passwords.
Dual mode. As the name suggests, this mode combines the other two approaches. You take the backup in the following manner:
RMAN> set encryption on identified by "53cr3t";
RMAN> backup tablespace users;
Note that there is no “only” clause in the command set encryption. This allows the backup to be restored in either of the two ways: by password “tiger” or by an open wallet. For instance, note the following command. No password has been given, yet the restore is successful.
RMAN> sql 'alter tablespace users offline';
RMAN> restore tablespace users;
Starting restore at 09-FEB-06
allocated channel: ORA_DISK_1
... restore command output comes here ...
This is useful when you generally use a script to handle backups and you often have to recover the database to a different server, such as a QA server. But in general, this method does not have much practical use.
If you do use the transparent mode of backup encryption, you can back up the wallet as well. Even if an adversary gets the wallet, he will not be able to open it without a password.
Encryption, as I mentioned before, is a fairly CPU-intensive process, and it is thus a highly CPU-intensive operation to encrypt the entire Oracle RMAN backup set. You could reduce the CPU cycles by partially encrypting backups—just select tablespaces that contain sensitive data, not all of them. A better option is to use TDE for column-level encryption.
The wallet (in transparent mode) and password (in password-based mode are very important. If you lose them, you will never be able to decrypt the backups. So have a plan for backing these up.
If you use password-based encryption, the password must be in the scripts. It could be vulnerable to theft.
Action Plan
Decide if you really want to encrypt entire backup sets as opposed to specific columns in specific tables.
If Oracle RMAN backup sets are to be encrypted, decide between the entire database and specific tablespaces.
Choose between transparent, password-based, and dual-mode approaches.
If transparent or dual-mode approach, then
Configure the wallet.
Open the wallet.
In RMAN, configure the tablespace(s) or the entire database to be encrypted in backup.
- If password-based or dual-mode approach, then
Choose a password and put it in the Oracle RMAN scripts. Use any of the password hiding techniques described in Phase 2.
Take a backup using those scripts only.
4.6 Mine History from Archived Logs
One very important part of the lockdown process is ensuring that no unauthorized data definition language (DDL) activity occurs on the database. An adversary, after getting a legitimate route to connect to the database, will find it extremely easy to drop a few segments to create a simple denial-of-service attack.
In Phase 3, you learned how to lock down key objects so that they cannot be altered without the DBA’s consent. But what about the illegitimate alterations done with consent and an attack that was discovered only later? This is where the fourth pillar of security—accountability—comes into play.
One option is to turn on DDL auditing to track DDL activities. All in all, it’s the easiest option—it’s easy to set up, even easier to browse, possible to archive, and so on. However, auditing puts pressure on performance, something we are trying to avoid. The question is how to retrace the DDL statements without setting up auditing.
This is where a tool (or a feature, if you will called Log Miner comes in very handy. Introduced in Oracle8i Database, Log Miner lets you search online redo logs or archived logs.
Here’s how you can set up log mining to unearth DDL details. First, get the online log file or archive log file to mine, and add that to the Log Miner session:
sqlplus / as sysdba
dbms_logmnr.add_logfile (
dbms_logmnr.add_logfile (
dbms_logmnr.add_logfile (
After adding the files, start the Log Miner session. You have to pass the source of the data dictionary; here we have specified the online catalog as the source:
dbms_logmnr.start_logmnr (
options => dbms_logmnr.dict_from_online_catalog
The mined contents are placed in a view named V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS, but this view is transient—it is visible only to the session that started the Log Miner. So, if you want to perform an analysis later, you need to preserve it in a permanent table:
create table lm_contents
select * from v$logmnr_contents;
Now for the analysis. To find the DDL commands, you would issue the following query:
select sql_redo
from lm_contents
where operation = 'DDL'
and seg_owner not in ('SYS','SYSTEM','PUBLIC');
Here is a sample output. Note that there is no DROP TABLE statement—in Oracle Database 10g, dropped tables are not actually dropped but rather renamed. The SQL_REDO will reflect that. In the cases where the user actually drops the table using the PURGE clause, the column SQL_REDO will reflect the correct command. (To save space, I have trimmed the output so that the DDLs for Functions and Procedures appear partially. I have also used RECSEPCHAR '.' to show devising lines between multiline records.)
table developers;
create table patient_diagnosis
patient_id number,
create view vw_patient_diagnosis
create or replace view vw_patient_diagnosis
create or replace function pd_pol
p_schema in varchar2,
create or replace function pd_pol
p_schema in varchar2,
create or replace function pd_pol
p_schema in varchar2,
grant connect, resource to ananda identified by VALUES '1DB10D95DE84E304' ;
create or replace function pd_pol
create or replace function pd_pol
p_schema in varchar2,
drop table test1 AS "BIN$JQHaX2mpSxOyrhkxAteHmg==$0" ;
Of course, this output itself is probably meaningless; you have to see more information such as time stamp, system change number (SCN) and so on in the Log Miner entries to make a valid connection between user actions and actual events:
select timestamp, scn, seg_owner, seg_name
from lm_contents
where operation = 'DDL'
and seg_owner not in ('SYS','SYSTEM','PUBLIC')
Here is a sample output:
--------- ---------- ---------- - -----------------------------
06-FEB-06 1026884 XDB DBMS_XMLDOM
08-FEB-06 1100059 ARUP PD_POL
08-FEB-06 1100157 ARUP PD_POL
08-FEB-06 1100386 ARUP PD_POL
08-FEB-06 1100413 ANANDA
08-FEB-06 1101544 ANANDA PD_POL
08-FEB-06 1101564 ARUP PD_POL
09-FEB-06 1123950 ARUP TEST1
09-FEB-06 1123953 ARUP TEST1
Note that I have used SEG_OWNER and not the USERNAME. Due to a bug that is unresolved as of Oracle Database, the USERNAME is not populated.
This is just one example of how to pull DDL statements from the archived logs. You can use any statement to mine from the logs—DMLs, as well. Mining for DML statements is a great substitute for auditing, because it exerts no performance pressures on the database.
Log Miner is not intrusive, but it does take a lot of CPU cycles and PGA memory on the server. So, run it carefully, preferably under conditions of reduced load. (Another option is to move the archived logs to a different server and mine them there. This option should be exploited whenever possible.)
Action Plan
Identify what statements you want to mine from logs and how often. Some examples could be DDL statements related to dropping of objects; but you may need to be further selective. In data warehouse environments, applications temporarily create many tables and drop them later, so you may want to exclude those schemas.
Use the above technique to extract information from the archived logs on a regular basis and analyze them for possible abuse or pattern for abuse.
4.7 Conclusion
This final phase of your security and compliance project had a small number of tasks, but each of these tasks takes a considerable amount of time to execute. In addition, these tasks had no clear details as a part of the objective. These minor details vary so much that it is impossible to build a generalized, one-size-fits-all description.
The most important factor in your quest for security is to understand that you can’t chase it in a vacuum. To effectively build a secured database infrastructure, your actions must be tempered with the understanding of the unique nature of your organization, and your analysis must include your business processes to isolate sensitive data from the rest. For instance, credit-card numbers are to be protected at any organization, but what about sales numbers? In some organizations, such as retailers, the sheer volume of data makes it infeasible to protect it by encryption. The same can’t be said for a hedge-fund trading firm, where sales numbers are zealously guarded. A tiered approach to see sensitive data may work in some cases; but in most cases, it’s probably best provided on an as-needed basis.
At the end of this journey, I hope you have gained some valuable tools and techniques that you can use right now to protect your database infrastructure. I will highly appreciate it if you could take some time to give me your feedback and suggestions on enhancing this four-part series with other relevant issues and material.
The content provided here is for instructional purposes only and is not validated by Oracle. Use it at your own risk. Under no circumstances should you consider it to be part of a consulting or services offering.
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